buildVignettes {tools}R Documentation

List and Build Package Vignettes


Run Sweave (or other custom weave function) and texi2pdf on all vignettes of a package, or list the vignettes.


buildVignettes(package, dir, lib.loc = NULL, quiet = TRUE,
               clean = TRUE, tangle = FALSE, skip = NULL,
               ser_elibs = NULL)

pkgVignettes(package, dir, subdirs = NULL, lib.loc = NULL,
	     output = FALSE, source = FALSE, check = FALSE)



a character string naming an installed package. If given, vignette source files are by default looked for in subdirectory ‘doc’.


a character string specifying the path to a package's root source directory. If given, vignette source files are by default looked for in subdirectory ‘vignettes’.


a character vector of directory names of R libraries, or NULL. The default value of NULL corresponds to all libraries currently known. The specified library trees are used to search for package.


logical. Weave and run texi2pdf in quiet mode.


Remove all files generated by the build, even if there were copies there before.


logical. Do tangling as well as weaving.


a character vector of names of vignettes (without file extension, matching the names returned from pkgVignettes) which should be skipped, or TRUE to skip those with unavailable ‘⁠\VignetteDepends⁠’ (from vignetteInfo).


For use from R CMD check.


a character vector of subdirectories of dir in which to look for vignettes. The first which exists is used. Defaults to "doc" if package is supplied, otherwise "vignettes".


logical indicating if the output filenames for each vignette should be returned (in component outputs).


logical indicating if the tangled output filenames for each vignette should be returned (in component sources).


logical. If TRUE, check whether all files that have vignette-like filenames have an identifiable vignette engine. This may be a false positive if a file is not a vignette but has a filename matching a pattern defined by one of the vignette engines.


buildVignettes is used by R CMD build and R CMD check to (re-)build vignette outputs from their sources.

As from R 3.4.1, both of these functions ignore files that are listed in the ‘.Rbuildignore’ file in dir.


buildVignettes is called for its side effect of creating the outputs of all vignettes, and if tangle = TRUE, extracting the R code.

pkgVignettes returns an object of class "pkgVignettes" if a vignette directory is found, otherwise NULL.


gVigns <- pkgVignettes("grid")

[Package tools version 4.4.1 Index]