Analyze Text, Audio, and Video from 'Zoom' Meetings

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Documentation for package ‘zoomGroupStats’ version 0.1.0

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aggSentiment Helper function to aggregate sentiment variables
batchGrabVideoStills Batch process video files, breaking them into stills
batchProcessZoomOutput Batch process files that have been downloaded from Zoom
batchVideoFaceAnalysis Batch analyze faces in videos
createZoomRosetta Create a file to aid in adding a unique identifier to link to the zoom user name
grabVideoStills Helper function to split a video into still frames
importZoomRosetta Helper function to add unique identifiers to processed Zoom downloads
makeTimeWindows Helper function that creates temporal windows in datasets
processZoomChat Process a Zoom chat file
processZoomOutput Wrapper function to process the raw files from Zoom in a single call
processZoomParticipantsInfo Process participant information from a Zoom meeting export
processZoomTranscript Process Zoom transcript file
sample_batch_info Parsed batch info file in a recorded 'Zoom' meeting
sample_chat_processed Parsed chat file in a 'Zoom' meeting
sample_chat_sentiment_aws Parsed chat file in a 'Zoom' meeting with sentiment analysis using AWS
sample_chat_sentiment_syu Parsed chat file in a 'Zoom' meeting with sentiment analysis using syuzhet
sample_transcript_processed Parsed spoken language in a 'Zoom' meeting.
sample_transcript_sentiment_aws Parsed spoken language in a 'Zoom' meeting with AWS-based sentiment analysis.
sample_transcript_sentiment_syu Parsed spoken language in a 'Zoom' meeting with syuzhet-based sentiment analysis.
textConversationAnalysis Analyze conversation attributes
textSentiment Conduct a sentiment analysis on text data
turnTaking Simple conversational turn-taking analysis
videoFaceAnalysis Analyze the facial features within an exported Zoom video file
windowedTextConversationAnalysis Run a windowed analysis on either a Zoom transcript or chat This function conducts a temporal window analysis on the conversation in either a Zoom transcript or chat. It replicates the textConversationAnalysis function across a set of windows at a window size specified by the user.