dataValenzuelaLamas2008 {zoolog} | R Documentation |
Example dataset
The dataset provided as an example originates from (Valenzuela-Lamas 2008). The dataset is written in Catalan, with the exception of some headings to facilitate understanding of its contents.
The dataset is provided in the zoolog extdata
folder as a file
in semicolon-separated values format but compressed with
gzip to reduce its size:
The file is provided in UTF-8 encoding. The file encoding is relevant
because the dataset contains accents and special characters that needs to be
correctly displayed. It can
be directly open by utils::read.csv2
, provided that the correct
encoding is set (see examples below).
Every row of the data.frame refers to one individual bone fragment unless otherwise stated in the Observations field ("Observacions").
All the measurements are expressed in millimetres and were obtained with a manual calliper.
The main headings in the database are:
- Site
The faunal remains from three Iron Age archaeological sites were recorded (ALP = Alorda Park, TFC = Turó de la Font de la Canya, OLD = Olèrdola).
- N inv
A correlative number for each fragment.
- UE
Refers to the Stratigraphic Unit (SU in English).
- Especie
Refers to the species.
- Os
Refers to the skeletal element.
- Fragment
Refers to the preserved part in the vertical axis (distal, proximal, diaphysis, etc.).
- Lat
Bone laterality: right (d) or left (e).
- Vora
Refers to the preserved part in relation to the circumference (c), or a vertically, transversally and obliquely fragmented (sto).
- Fract
Refers to fracture during field excavation or lab work.
- Tafo
Refers to anthropic and post-depositional alterations.
- Grau
Refers to degree of bone alteration in a scale from 0 (no alteration) to 4 (diaphysis completely altered).
- Epif
Degree of fusion: s= fused, ns= unfused, ec = fusion visible. Also tooth wear is recorded here following (Gardeisen 1997).
- Sexe
Sex: male (masc) / female (fem).
- Traces
Refers to butchery marks. It may also include other observations.
- Observacions
- Recinte
Refers to the number of silo structure (e.g. SJ8) or the room (e.g. AB) from which the material originates.
Absolute chronology in Terminus Post Quem.
Absolute chronology in Terminus Ante Quem.
- Period
Chronological phasing.
- Capsa
Box number that contains the item.
- Measurement codes
The nomenclature follows (Von den Driesch 1976).
Gardeisen A (1997).
“Exploitation des prélèvements et fichiers de spécialité (PRL, FAUNE, OS).”
Lattara, 10, 251–278.
Valenzuela-Lamas S (2008).
Alimentació i ramaderia al Penedès durant la protohistòria (segles VII-III aC).
Societat Catalana d'Arqueologia (Premi d’Arqueologia - Memorial Josep Barber\‘a i Farr\'as, 5a edici\’o).
Von den Driesch A (1976).
A guide to the measurement of animal bones from archaeological sites: as developed by the Institut für Palaeoanatomie, Domestikationsforschung und Geschichte der Tiermedizin of the University of Munich, volume 1.
Peabody Museum Press.
dataFile <- system.file("extdata", "dataValenzuelaLamas2008.csv.gz",
dataExample <- utils::read.csv2(dataFile,
na.strings = "",
encoding = "UTF-8")