notate {zmisc}R Documentation

Embed factor levels and value labels in values.


This function adds level/label information as an annotation to either factors or labelled variables. This function is called notate() rather than annotate() to avoid conflict with ggplot2::annotate(). It is a generic that can operate either on individual vectors or on a data.frame.

When printing labelled variables from a tibble in a console, both the numeric value and the text label are shown, but no variable labels. When using the View() function, only variable labels are shown but no value labels. For factors, there is no way to view the integer levels and values at the same time.

In order to allow the viewing of both variable and value labels at the same time, this function converts both factor and labelled variables to character, including both numeric levels (labelled values) and character values (labelled labels) in the output.





The object (either vector or date.frame of vectors), that one desires to annotate and/or view.


The processed data.frame, suitable for viewing, in particular through the View() function.


d <- data.frame(
  chr = letters[1:4],
  fct = factor(c("alpha", "bravo", "chrly", "delta")),
  lbl = ll_labelled(c(1, 2, 3, NA),
                    labels = c(one=1, two=2),
                    label = "A labelled vector")
dn <- notate(d)
# View(dn)

[Package zmisc version 0.2.3 Index]