N-V-Vm.tfl {zipfR}R Documentation

Access Methods for Type Frequency Lists (zipfR)


Return the sample size (N.tfl) and vocabulary size (V.tfl) of the type frequency list represented by a tfl object, as well as class sizes (Vm.tfl) of the corresponding frequency spectrum.

Note that these functions are not user-visible. They can be called implicitly through the generic methods N, V and Vm, applied to an object of type tfl.


  ## S3 method for class 'tfl'
N(obj, ...)

  ## S3 method for class 'tfl'
V(obj, ...)

  ## S3 method for class 'tfl'
Vm(obj, m, ...)



an object of class tfl, representing an observed type frequency list


non-negative integer value determining the frequency class mm to be returned


additional arguments passed on from generic method will be ignored


Only a single value is allowed for mm, which may also be 0. In order to obtain multiple class sizes VmV_m, convert the type frequency list to a frequency spectrum with tfl2spc first.

For an incomplete type frequency list, Vm.tfl will return NA if m is outside the range of listed frequencies (i.e. for m < f.min or m > f.max).


N.tfl returns the sample size NN, V.tfl returns the vocabulary size VV (or expected vocabulary size E[V]E[V]), and Vm.tfl returns the number of types that occur exactly mm times in the sample, i.e. the class size VmV_m.

See Also

N, V, Vm for the generic methods and links to other implementations

tfl for details on type frequency list objects and links to other relevant functions

[Package zipfR version 0.6-70 Index]