Data & Functions for Working with US ZIP Codes

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Documentation for package ‘zipcodeR’ version 0.3.5

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download_zip_data Download updated data files needed for library functionality to the package's data directory. To be implemented for future updates.
geocode_zip Returns that lat / lon pair of the centroid of a given ZIP code
get_cd Get all congressional districts for a given ZIP code
get_tracts Get all Census tracts within a given ZIP code
is_zcta Returns true if the given ZIP code is also a ZIP code tabulation area (ZCTA)
normalize_zip Normalize ZIP codes
reverse_zipcode Given a ZIP code, returns columns of metadata about that ZIP code
search_cd Get all ZIP codes that fall within a given congressional district
search_city Search ZIP codes for a given city within a state
search_county Search ZIP codes for a county
search_fips Returns all ZIP codes found within a given FIPS code
search_radius Search for ZIP codes that are within a given radius from a point
search_state Search for ZIP codes located within a given state
search_tz Search all ZIP codes located within a given timezone
zcta_crosswalk ZCTA to Census Tract (2010) Crosswalk
zip_code_db ZIP Code Database
zip_distance Calculate the distance between two ZIP codes in miles
zip_to_cd ZIP Code to Congressional District Relationship File