convert_jdate |
Convert Japanese date format to date object |
convert_jyear |
Convert Japanese imperial year to Anno Domini |
convert_prefecture |
Convert prefecture names to roman or kanji |
convert_prefecture_from_kana |
Convert prefecture names from kana |
dl_zipcode_file |
Download a zip-code file |
find_date_by_wday |
Find out the date of the specific month and weekday |
harmonize_prefecture_name |
Harmonize the notation of Japanese prefecture names. |
hiragana |
Create kana vector |
is_jholiday |
Is x a public holidays in Japan? |
is_prefecture |
Check correctly prefecture names |
is_zipcode |
Test zip-code |
jholiday |
Public holidays in Japan |
jholiday_spec |
Public holidays in Japan |
jpnprefs |
Prefectural informations in Japan |
kana |
Create kana vector |
kansuji2arabic |
Convert kansuji character to arabic |
kansuji2arabic_all |
Convert kansuji character to arabic |
kansuji2arabic_num |
Convert kansuji character to arabic |
kansuji2arabic_str |
Convert kansuji character to arabic |
katakana |
Create kana vector |
label_kansuji |
Label numbers in Kansuji format |
label_kansuji_suffix |
Label numbers in Kansuji format |
read_zipcode |
Read Japan post's zip-code file |
separate_address |
Separate address elements |
str_conv_hirakana |
Converts the kind of string used as Japanese |
str_conv_normalize |
Converts the kind of string used as Japanese |
str_conv_romanhira |
Converts the kind of string used as Japanese |
str_conv_zenhan |
Converts the kind of string used as Japanese |
str_jconv |
Converts the kind of string used as Japanese |
str_jnormalize |
Converts characters following the rules of 'neologd' |
zipcode_spacer |
Insert and remove zip-code connect character |