zfunction {zfit}R Documentation

Create a pipe-friendly version of a function


These functions all serve the role of rearranging the arguments of other functions, in order to create pipe-friendly versions.

zfunction() rearranges the arguments of any function moving the specified argument to the front of the list, so that this argument becomes the recipient of piping. It returns a copy of the input function, that is identical to the original except for the order of the arguments.

zfold() creates a pipe-friendly version of a function of the standard format by creating a fold (or wrapper) around it with the parameters reordered. Compared to using zfunction(), which makes a copy of the original function with rearranged the parameters, this creates a wrapper that in turn will call the original function with all passed parameters. This is good for making pipe-friendly versions of S3 generics, whereas rearranging parameters directly will break the S3 dispatch mechanism.

zfitter() creates a pipe-friendly version of a fitting function of the standard format –– that is a function with a formula parameter followed by a data parameter. It also shortens very long data names (longer than 32 characters by default), which otherwise are a nuisance when the data comes from the pipe, because the pipeline gets converted to a very long function call.


zfunction(fun, x, x_not_found = c("error", "warning", "ok"))

zfold(fun, x, x_not_found = c("error", "warning", "ok"))




The function to adapt (for zfitter() this should be a fitting function that takes formula and data parameters). The name should not be quoted, rather, the actual function should be passed (prefixed with package if needed).


The name of the argument that should be moved to the front of the argument list. Can be passed with or without quotes, and is processed using non-standard evaluation unless surrounded with curlies, as in {value}, see details below.


How to handle the case where the value of x is not the name of a parameter in fun. If error, abort the function. If ok, prepend the value to the existing parameter list. This can be useful if looking to pipe data into a parameter that is hidden by a ....


The x parameter is processed using non-standard evaluation, which can be disabled using curly brackets. In other words, the following are all equivalent, and return a file renaming function with the to parameter as the first one:


# A a grep function with x as first param is often useful
zgrep <- zfunction(grep, x)
carnames <- rownames(mtcars)
grep("ll", carnames, value=TRUE)
zgrep(carnames, "ll", value=TRUE)

# zfunction() is the best approach to wrapping functions such as
# `pls::plsr()` that hide the data parameter behind the `...`.
if (requireNamespace("pls")) {
  zplsr <- zfunction(pls::plsr, data, x_not_found = "ok")
  zplsr(cars, dist ~ speed)

# Curly {x} handling: These are all equivalent
param_name <- "to";
f1 <- zfunction(file.rename, to)
f2 <- zfunction(file.rename, "to")
f3 <- zfunction(file.rename, {param_name})

# Using zfold() to create a grep() wrapper with the desired arg order
zgrep <- zfold(grep, x)
carnames <- rownames(mtcars)
grep("ll", carnames, value=TRUE)
zgrep(carnames, "ll", value=TRUE)

# Using zfitter to wrap around a fitting function
# (this is the actual way zlm_robust is defined in this package)
if (requireNamespace("estimatr", quietly = TRUE)) {
  zlm_robust <- zfitter(estimatr::lm_robust)
  zlm_robust(cars, speed~dist)

  # The resulting function works well the native pipe ...
  if ( getRversion() >= "4.1.0" ) {
    cars |> zlm_robust( speed ~ dist )

# ... or with dplyr
if ( require("dplyr", warn.conflicts=FALSE) ) {

  # Pipe cars dataset into zlm_robust for fitting
  cars %>% zlm_robust( speed ~ dist )

  # Process iris with filter() before piping. Print a summary()
  # of the fitted model using zprint() before assigning the
  # model itself (not the summary) to m.
  m <- iris %>%
    dplyr::filter(Species=="setosa") %>%
    zlm_robust(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Petal.Width) %>%

[Package zfit version 0.4.0 Index]