Supporting Functions for Packages Maintained by 'YuLab-SMU'

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Documentation for package ‘yulab.utils’ version 0.1.4

Help Pages

auto_set_regexpr_style switch regular expression style (PCRE vs TRE)
Biocpkg print md text of package with link to homepage (CRAN or Bioconductor)
check_pkg check_pkg
combinations combinations
CRANpkg print md text of package with link to homepage (CRAN or Bioconductor)
exec exec
get_cache cache intermediate data
get_cache_element cache intermediate data
get_cache_item cache intermediate data
get_dependencies get_dependencies
get_fun_from_pkg get_fun_from_pkg
Githubpkg print md text of package with link to github repo
initial_cache cache intermediate data
initial_cache_item cache intermediate data
install_zip install_zip
install_zip_gh install_zip_gh
is.installed is.installed
ls2df Convert a list of vector (e.g, gene IDs) to a data.frame object
mat2df mat2df
mat2list mat2list
mypkg mypkg
o o
packageTitle packageTitle
pload pload
rbindlist rbindlist
read.cb read.cb
rm_cache cache intermediate data
rm_cache_item cache intermediate data
scale_range scale-range
scihub_dl download publication via scihub
set_PCRE switch regular expression style (PCRE vs TRE)
set_regexpr_style switch regular expression style (PCRE vs TRE)
set_TRE switch regular expression style (PCRE vs TRE)
show_in_excel show_in_excel
str_ends str_starts
str_extract str_extract
str_starts str_starts
str_wrap str_wrap
update_cache_item cache intermediate data
use_perl switch regular expression style (PCRE vs TRE)
yread yread
yread_tsv yread