adams_bt_03 |
Adams Lake Bull Trout Population Parameters (2003) |
as_ypr_ecotypes |
Coerce to an Ecotypes Object | |
Coerce to an Ecotypes Object |
as_ypr_ecotypes.ypr_ecotypes |
Coerce to an Ecotypes Object |
as_ypr_ecotypes.ypr_population |
Coerce to an Ecotypes Object |
as_ypr_ecotypes.ypr_populations |
Coerce to an Ecotypes Object |
as_ypr_population |
Coerce to a Population Object | |
Coerce to a Population Object |
as_ypr_population.ypr_ecotypes |
Coerce to a Population Object |
as_ypr_population.ypr_population |
Coerce to a Population Object |
as_ypr_population.ypr_populations |
Coerce to a Population Object |
as_ypr_populations |
Coerce to a Populations Object | |
Coerce to a Population Object |
as_ypr_populations.ypr_ecotypes |
Coerce to a Populations Object |
as_ypr_populations.ypr_population |
Coerce to a Populations Object |
as_ypr_populations.ypr_populations |
Coerce to a Populations Object |
check_ecotypes |
Check Ecotypes |
check_population |
Check Population |
check_populations |
Check Populations |
chilliwack_bt_05 |
Chilliwack Lake Bull Trout Populations Parameters (2005) |
is.ypr_ecotypes |
Tests if is a Population, Populations or Ecotypes |
is.ypr_population |
Tests if is a Population, Populations or Ecotypes |
is.ypr_populations |
Tests if is a Population, Populations or Ecotypes |
is_ypr_ecotypes |
Tests if is a Population, Populations or Ecotypes |
is_ypr_population |
Tests if is a Population, Populations or Ecotypes |
is_ypr_populations |
Tests if is a Population, Populations or Ecotypes |
kootenay_bt_13 |
Kootenay Lake Bull Trout Population Parameters (2013) |
kootenay_rb |
Kootenay Lake Rainbow Trout Population Parameters |
kootenay_rb_13 |
Kootenay Lake Rainbow Trout Population Parameters (2013) |
plot.ypr_population |
Plot Population Schedule |
quesnel_bt |
Quesnel Lake Bull Trout Population Parameters |
quesnel_lt |
Quesnel Lake Lake Trout Population Parameters |
quesnel_rb |
Quesnel Lake Rainbow Trout Population Parameters |
ypr_age_at_length |
Age At Length |
ypr_detabulate_parameters |
Detabulate Population Parameters |
ypr_ecotypes |
Create Ecotypes Object |
ypr_exploitation |
Exploitation Probability |
ypr_get_par |
Get Parameter Value |
ypr_length_at_age |
Length At Age |
ypr_names |
Population(s) or Ecotype Names |
ypr_names.ypr_ecotypes |
Population(s) or Ecotype Names |
ypr_names.ypr_population |
Population(s) or Ecotype Names |
ypr_names.ypr_populations |
Population(s) or Ecotype Names |
ypr_optimise |
Optimize Capture |
ypr_optimize |
Optimize Capture |
ypr_plot_biomass |
Plot Biomass |
ypr_plot_fish |
Plot Fish |
ypr_plot_schedule |
Plot Population or Ecotypes Schedule Terms |
ypr_plot_sr |
Plot Stock-Recruitment Curve |
ypr_plot_yield |
Plot Yield by Capture |
ypr_plot_yield.default |
Plot Yield by Capture |
ypr_plot_yield.ypr_populations |
Plot Yield by Capture |
ypr_population |
Population Parameters |
ypr_populations |
Populations |
ypr_populations_expand |
Expand Populations |
ypr_population_names |
Population Names |
ypr_population_update |
Update a Population Object |
ypr_report |
Report |
ypr_sr |
Stock-Recruitment Parameters |
ypr_tabulate_biomass |
Tabulate Biomass (and Eggs) |
ypr_tabulate_fish |
Tabulate Fish Numbers |
ypr_tabulate_parameters |
Tabulate Population Parameters |
ypr_tabulate_schedule |
Life-History Schedule |
ypr_tabulate_schedule.ypr_ecotypes |
Life-History Schedule |
ypr_tabulate_schedule.ypr_population |
Life-History Schedule |
ypr_tabulate_sr |
Tabulate Stock-Recruitment Parameters |
ypr_tabulate_sr.default |
Tabulate Stock-Recruitment Parameters |
ypr_tabulate_sr.ypr_populations |
Tabulate Stock-Recruitment Parameters |
ypr_tabulate_yield |
Tabulate Yield |
ypr_tabulate_yield.default |
Tabulate Yield |
ypr_tabulate_yield.ypr_populations |
Tabulate Yield |
ypr_tabulate_yields |
Tabulate Yields |
ypr_tabulate_yields.default |
Tabulate Yields |
ypr_tabulate_yields.ypr_populations |
Tabulate Yields |
ypr_update |
Update a YPR Object Currently just works with scalar parameters for populations and ecotypes. |
ypr_update.ypr_ecotypes |
Update a YPR Object Currently just works with scalar parameters for populations and ecotypes. |
ypr_update.ypr_population |
Update a YPR Object Currently just works with scalar parameters for populations and ecotypes. |
ypr_update.ypr_populations |
Update a YPR Object Currently just works with scalar parameters for populations and ecotypes. |
ypr_yield |
Yield |
ypr_yields |
Yields |