yml_runtime {ymlthis}R Documentation

Activate Shiny in R Markdown


The runtime field lets you use Shiny in your R Markdown document, making it interactive. See the R Markdown book for examples.


yml_runtime(.yml, runtime = c("static", "shiny", "shiny_prerendered"))



a yml object created by yml(), as_yml(), or returned by a ⁠yml_*()⁠ function


The runtime target for rendering. static, the default, renders static documents; shiny allows you to include use Shiny in your document. shiny_prerendered is a subset of the shiny runtime that allows pre-rendering of app components (see the R Markdown site for more)


a yml object

See Also

Other yml: asis_yaml_output(), bib2yml(), draw_yml_tree(), has_field(), read_json(), use_yml_defaults(), use_yml_file(), use_yml(), yml_author(), yml_blogdown_opts(), yml_bookdown_opts(), yml_citations(), yml_clean(), yml_distill_opts(), yml_latex_opts(), yml_output(), yml_pagedown_opts(), yml_params(), yml_pkgdown(), yml_reference(), yml_replace(), yml_resource_files(), yml_rsconnect_email(), yml_rticles_opts(), yml_site_opts(), yml_toc(), yml_vignette()

Other R Markdown: yml_clean(), yml_params(), yml_site_opts(), yml_vignette()

Other shiny: yml_params()


yml() %>%

[Package ymlthis version 0.1.7 Index]