XWFpValues {xwf}R Documentation

p-value computation for XWFs


Randomization method to compute p-values for an optimized extrema-weighted features generalized additive model fit.


XWFpValues(GAMobject, xx, t, n.i, psi.list = NULL, F, z = NULL,
  w = function(t, i, b, left) ifelse(left, min(1, (1 - F(xx[[i]](t)))/(1 -
  b)), min(1, F(xx[[i]](t))/b)), n.boot = 100, progressbar = TRUE)



The GAMobject returned by xwfGridsearch


List of function for which to compute the XWFs


Matrix containing the times at which the functions xx were measured: Element (i,j) contains the time of the j-th measurement of the i-th function.


Vector containing the number of measurements for each function. The first n.i[i] elements of the i-th row of t should not be NA.


List of predefined local features which are functions of a function (first argument) and a measurement time (second argument)


CDF of the values of the functions xx. Ignored if weighting function w is not the default.


Optional matrix with covariates to be included as linear predictors in the generalized additive model


Weighting function. The default is the one used in the original paper. See the default for what the roles of its 3 arguments are.


Number for randomizations used to obtain the p-values. The resolution of the p-values is 1/n.boot


Boolean specifying whether a progress bar indicating which randomizations have been completed should be displayed.


Named vector with p-values


# Data simulation similar to Section 3.2 of the paper

# Sample size
n <- 100

# Length of trajectories
n.i <- rep(5, n)
max.n.i <- max(n.i)

# Times
t <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow = n, ncol = max.n.i)
for(i in 1:n) t[i, 1:n.i[i]] <- 1:n.i[i]

# Sample periods
phi <- runif(n = n, min = 1, max = 10)

# Sample offsets
m <- 10*runif(n = n)

# Blood pressure measurements
x <- t
for(i in 1:n) x[i, 1:n.i[i]] <- sin(phi[i] * 2*pi/max.n.i * t[i, 1:n.i[i]]) + m[i]

# Matrix with covariates z
q <- 2 # Number of covariates
z <- matrix(rnorm(n = n*q), nrow = n, ncol = q)

# Generate outcomes
temp <- phi*min(m, 7)
temp <- 40*temp
prob <- 1/(1+exp( 2*( median(temp)-temp ) ))
y <- rbinom(n = n, size = 1, prob = prob)

xx <- list()
for(i in 1:n) xx[[i]] <- approxfun(x = t[i,1:n.i[i]], y = x[i,1:n.i[i]], rule = 2)

# Estimate f
weights <- matrix(1/n.i, ncol = max.n.i, nrow = n)[!is.na(t)]
f <- density(
x = t(sapply(X = 1:n, FUN = function(i) c(xx[[i]](t[i,1:n.i[i]]), rep(NA, max.n.i-n.i[i])))),
weights = weights/sum(weights),
na.rm = T

# Define CDF of f, F
CDF <- c(0)
for(i in 2:length(f$x)) CDF[i] <- CDF[i-1]+(f$x[i]-f$x[i-1])*(f$y[i]+f$y[i-1])/2
F <- approxfun(x = f$x, y = CDF/max(CDF), yleft = 0, yright = 1)

psi <- list(
  function(x, t) abs(x(t)-x(t-1))

XWFresult <- xwfGridsearch(y = y, xx = xx, t = t, n.i = n.i, psi.list = psi, F = F, z = z)

GAMobject = XWFresult$GAMobject,
xx = xx,
t = t,
n.i = n.i,
psi.list = psi,
F = F,
z = z,
n.boot = 3

[Package xwf version 0.2-3 Index]