+.string | String handling functions |
align | Retrieve and Set Options for Export Tables |
align.xtable | Retrieve and Set Options for Export Tables |
align<- | Retrieve and Set Options for Export Tables |
align<-.xtable | Retrieve and Set Options for Export Tables |
as.is | Sanitization Functions |
as.math | Sanitization Functions |
as.string | String handling functions |
autoformat | Automatically Format Export Tables |
caption | Retrieve and Set Options for Export Tables |
caption.xtable | Retrieve and Set Options for Export Tables |
caption<- | Retrieve and Set Options for Export Tables |
caption<-.xtable | Retrieve and Set Options for Export Tables |
digits | Retrieve and Set Options for Export Tables |
digits.xtable | Retrieve and Set Options for Export Tables |
digits<- | Retrieve and Set Options for Export Tables |
digits<-.xtable | Retrieve and Set Options for Export Tables |
display | Retrieve and Set Options for Export Tables |
display.xtable | Retrieve and Set Options for Export Tables |
display<- | Retrieve and Set Options for Export Tables |
display<-.xtable | Retrieve and Set Options for Export Tables |
is.string | String handling functions |
label | Retrieve and Set Options for Export Tables |
label.xtable | Retrieve and Set Options for Export Tables |
label<- | Retrieve and Set Options for Export Tables |
label<-.xtable | Retrieve and Set Options for Export Tables |
print.string | String handling functions |
print.xtable | Print Export Tables |
print.xtableFtable | Create and Export Flat Tables |
print.xtableList | Create and Export Lists of Tables |
print.xtableMatharray | Print Math Array |
sanitize | Sanitization Functions |
sanitize.final | Sanitization Functions |
sanitize.numbers | Sanitization Functions |
string | String handling functions |
tli | Math scores from Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS) |
toLatex.xtable | Convert Table to Latex |
xalign | Automatically Format Export Tables |
xdigits | Automatically Format Export Tables |
xdisplay | Automatically Format Export Tables |
xtable | Create Export Tables |
xtable.anova | Create Export Tables |
xtable.aov | Create Export Tables |
xtable.aovlist | Create Export Tables |
xtable.coxph | Create Export Tables |
xtable.data.frame | Create Export Tables |
xtable.glm | Create Export Tables |
xtable.gmsar | Create Export Tables |
xtable.lagImpact | Create Export Tables |
xtable.lm | Create Export Tables |
xtable.matrix | Create Export Tables |
xtable.prcomp | Create Export Tables |
xtable.sarlm | Create Export Tables |
xtable.sarlm.pred | Create Export Tables |
xtable.spautolm | Create Export Tables |
xtable.sphet | Create Export Tables |
xtable.splm | Create Export Tables |
xtable.stsls | Create Export Tables |
xtable.summary.aov | Create Export Tables |
xtable.summary.aovlist | Create Export Tables |
xtable.summary.glm | Create Export Tables |
xtable.summary.gmsar | Create Export Tables |
xtable.summary.lm | Create Export Tables |
xtable.summary.prcomp | Create Export Tables |
xtable.summary.sarlm | Create Export Tables |
xtable.summary.spautolm | Create Export Tables |
xtable.summary.sphet | Create Export Tables |
xtable.summary.splm | Create Export Tables |
xtable.summary.stsls | Create Export Tables |
xtable.table | Create Export Tables |
xtable.ts | Create Export Tables |
xtable.xtableMatharray | Create Export Tables |
xtable.zoo | Create Export Tables |
xtableFtable | Create and Export Flat Tables |
xtableList | Create and Export Lists of Tables |
xtableMatharray | Create LaTeX Mathematical Array |