Generates Expectations for 'testthat' Unit Testing

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Documentation for package ‘xpectr’ version 0.4.3

Help Pages

assertCollectionAddin Inserts code for a checkmate assert collection
capture_parse_eval_side_effects Capture side effects from parse eval
capture_side_effects Capture side effects
dputSelectedAddin Replaces selected code with its dput() output
element_classes Gets the class of each element
element_lengths Gets the length of each element
element_types Gets the type of each element
gxs_function Generate testhat expectations for argument values in a function
gxs_selection Generate testhat expectations from selection
initializeGXSFunctionAddin Initialize 'gxs_function()' call
initializeTestthatAddin Initializes 'test_that()' call
insertExpectationsAddin Creates testthat tests for selected code
insertExpectationsCopyEnvAddin Creates testthat tests for selected code
message_if Simple side effect functions
navigateTestFileAddin Navigates to test file
num_total_elements Total number of elements
prepare_insertion Prepare expectations for insertion
set_test_seed Set random seed for unit tests
simplified_formals Extract and simplify a function's formal arguments
smpl Random sampling
stop_if Simple side effect functions
strip Strip strings of non-alphanumeric characters
strip_msg Strip side-effect messages of non-alphanumeric characters and rethrow them
suppress_mw Suppress warnings and messages
warn_if Simple side effect functions
wrapStringAddin Wraps the selection with paste0
xpectr xpectr: A package for generating tests for 'testthat' unit testing