xlsxjars-package {xlsxjars}R Documentation

Package required jars for the xlsx package


The xlsxjars package collects all the external jars required for the xlxs package. These external jars are quite large in size (10MB) and have a slow release cycle. By separating the Java and R development, the storage footprint on CRAN is reduced.

The Java library comes from the Apache project, see http://poi.apache.org/index.html for License and Copyright of this piece of software. The POI Apache project provides a Java API to Microsoft Documents (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Visio, etc.) By using the rJava package that links R and Java, we can use the excellent work already done by the folks at the Apache project and provide this functionality in R.

Current version corresponds to release 3.10 of the POI project.


Package: xlsxjars
Type: Package
Version: 0.6.1
Date: 2014-04-01
License: GPL-3


Adrian A. Dragulescu

Maintainer: Adrian A. Dragulescu <adrian.dragulescu@gmail.com>


Apache POI project for Microsoft Excel format: http://poi.apache.org/spreadsheet/index.html.

The Java Doc detailing the classes: http://poi.apache.org/apidocs/index.html.

[Package xlsxjars version 0.6.1 Index]