Read, Write, Format Excel 2007 and Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 Files

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xlsx-package Read, write, format Excel 2007 and Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 files
+.CellStyle CellStyle construction.
addAutoFilter Functions to do various spreadsheets effects.
addDataFrame Add a 'data.frame' to a sheet.
addHyperlink Add a hyperlink to a cell.
addMergedRegion Functions to do various spreadsheets effects.
addPicture Functions to manipulate images in a spreadsheet.
Alignment Create an Alignment object.
autoSizeColumn Functions to do various spreadsheets effects.
Border Create an Border object.
BORDER_STYLES_ Constants used in the project.
CB.setBorder Create and style a block of cells.
CB.setColData Create and style a block of cells.
CB.setFill Create and style a block of cells.
CB.setFont Create and style a block of cells.
CB.setMatrixData Create and style a block of cells.
CB.setRowData Create and style a block of cells.
Cell Functions to manipulate cells.
CellBlock Create and style a block of cells.
CellBlock.default Create and style a block of cells.
CellProtection Create a CellProtection object.
CellStyle Functions to manipulate cells.
CellStyle-plus CellStyle construction.
CellStyle.default Functions to manipulate cells.
CELL_STYLES_ Constants used in the project.
Comment Functions to manipulate cell comments.
createCell Functions to manipulate cells.
createCellComment Functions to manipulate cell comments.
createFreezePane Functions to do various spreadsheets effects.
createRange Functions to manipulate (contiguous) named ranges.
createRow Functions to manipulate rows of a worksheet.
createSheet Functions to manipulate worksheets.
createSplitPane Functions to do various spreadsheets effects.
createWorkbook Functions to manipulate Excel 2007 workbooks.
DataFormat Create an DataFormat object.
Fill Create an Fill object.
FILL_STYLES_ Constants used in the project.
Font Create a Font object.
forceFormulaRefresh Force Refresh Pivot Tables and Formulae
forcePivotTableRefresh Force Refresh Pivot Tables and Formulae
getCellComment Functions to manipulate cell comments.
getCells Functions to manipulate cells.
getCellStyle Functions to manipulate cells.
getCellValue Functions to manipulate cells.
getRanges Functions to manipulate (contiguous) named ranges.
getRows Functions to manipulate rows of a worksheet.
getSheets Functions to manipulate worksheets.
get_java_tmp_dir Set Java Temp Directory
HALIGN_STYLES_ Constants used in the project.
INDEXED_COLORS_ Constants used in the project.
is.Alignment Create an Alignment object.
is.Border Create an Border object.
is.CellBlock Create and style a block of cells.
is.CellProtection Create a CellProtection object.
is.CellStyle Functions to manipulate cells.
is.DataFormat Create an DataFormat object.
is.Fill Create an Fill object.
is.Font Create a Font object.
loadWorkbook Functions to manipulate Excel 2007 workbooks.
NamedRanges Functions to manipulate (contiguous) named ranges.
OtherEffects Functions to do various spreadsheets effects.
Picture Functions to manipulate images in a spreadsheet.
POI_constants Constants used in the project.
PrintSetup Function to manipulate print setup.
printSetup Function to manipulate print setup.
read.xlsx Read the contents of a worksheet into an R 'data.frame'.
read.xlsx2 Read the contents of a worksheet into an R 'data.frame'.
readColumns Read a contiguous set of columns from sheet into an R data.frame
readRange Functions to manipulate (contiguous) named ranges.
readRows Read a contiguous set of rows into an R matrix
removeCellComment Functions to manipulate cell comments.
removeMergedRegion Functions to do various spreadsheets effects.
removeRow Functions to manipulate rows of a worksheet.
removeSheet Functions to manipulate worksheets.
Row Functions to manipulate rows of a worksheet.
saveWorkbook Functions to manipulate Excel 2007 workbooks.
setCellStyle Functions to manipulate cells.
setCellValue Functions to manipulate cells.
setColumnWidth Functions to do various spreadsheets effects.
setPrintArea Functions to do various spreadsheets effects.
setRowHeight Functions to manipulate rows of a worksheet.
setZoom Functions to do various spreadsheets effects.
set_java_tmp_dir Set Java Temp Directory
Sheet Functions to manipulate worksheets.
VALIGN_STYLES_ Constants used in the project.
Workbook Functions to manipulate Excel 2007 workbooks.
Worksheet Functions to manipulate worksheets.
write.xlsx Write a data.frame to an Excel workbook.
write.xlsx2 Write a data.frame to an Excel workbook.
xlsx Read, write, format Excel 2007 and Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 files