xlsx-package |
Read, write, format Excel 2007 and Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 files |
+.CellStyle |
CellStyle construction. |
addAutoFilter |
Functions to do various spreadsheets effects. |
addDataFrame |
Add a 'data.frame' to a sheet. |
addHyperlink |
Add a hyperlink to a cell. |
addMergedRegion |
Functions to do various spreadsheets effects. |
addPicture |
Functions to manipulate images in a spreadsheet. |
Alignment |
Create an Alignment object. |
autoSizeColumn |
Functions to do various spreadsheets effects. |
Border |
Create an Border object. |
Constants used in the project. |
CB.setBorder |
Create and style a block of cells. |
CB.setColData |
Create and style a block of cells. |
CB.setFill |
Create and style a block of cells. |
CB.setFont |
Create and style a block of cells. |
CB.setMatrixData |
Create and style a block of cells. |
CB.setRowData |
Create and style a block of cells. |
Cell |
Functions to manipulate cells. |
CellBlock |
Create and style a block of cells. |
CellBlock.default |
Create and style a block of cells. |
CellProtection |
Create a CellProtection object. |
CellStyle |
Functions to manipulate cells. |
CellStyle-plus |
CellStyle construction. |
CellStyle.default |
Functions to manipulate cells. |
Constants used in the project. |
Comment |
Functions to manipulate cell comments. |
createCell |
Functions to manipulate cells. |
createCellComment |
Functions to manipulate cell comments. |
createFreezePane |
Functions to do various spreadsheets effects. |
createRange |
Functions to manipulate (contiguous) named ranges. |
createRow |
Functions to manipulate rows of a worksheet. |
createSheet |
Functions to manipulate worksheets. |
createSplitPane |
Functions to do various spreadsheets effects. |
createWorkbook |
Functions to manipulate Excel 2007 workbooks. |
DataFormat |
Create an DataFormat object. |
Fill |
Create an Fill object. |
Constants used in the project. |
Font |
Create a Font object. |
forceFormulaRefresh |
Force Refresh Pivot Tables and Formulae |
forcePivotTableRefresh |
Force Refresh Pivot Tables and Formulae |
getCellComment |
Functions to manipulate cell comments. |
getCells |
Functions to manipulate cells. |
getCellStyle |
Functions to manipulate cells. |
getCellValue |
Functions to manipulate cells. |
getRanges |
Functions to manipulate (contiguous) named ranges. |
getRows |
Functions to manipulate rows of a worksheet. |
getSheets |
Functions to manipulate worksheets. |
get_java_tmp_dir |
Set Java Temp Directory |
Constants used in the project. |
Constants used in the project. |
is.Alignment |
Create an Alignment object. |
is.Border |
Create an Border object. |
is.CellBlock |
Create and style a block of cells. |
is.CellProtection |
Create a CellProtection object. |
is.CellStyle |
Functions to manipulate cells. |
is.DataFormat |
Create an DataFormat object. |
is.Fill |
Create an Fill object. |
is.Font |
Create a Font object. |
loadWorkbook |
Functions to manipulate Excel 2007 workbooks. |
NamedRanges |
Functions to manipulate (contiguous) named ranges. |
OtherEffects |
Functions to do various spreadsheets effects. |
Picture |
Functions to manipulate images in a spreadsheet. |
POI_constants |
Constants used in the project. |
PrintSetup |
Function to manipulate print setup. |
printSetup |
Function to manipulate print setup. |
read.xlsx |
Read the contents of a worksheet into an R 'data.frame'. |
read.xlsx2 |
Read the contents of a worksheet into an R 'data.frame'. |
readColumns |
Read a contiguous set of columns from sheet into an R data.frame |
readRange |
Functions to manipulate (contiguous) named ranges. |
readRows |
Read a contiguous set of rows into an R matrix |
removeCellComment |
Functions to manipulate cell comments. |
removeMergedRegion |
Functions to do various spreadsheets effects. |
removeRow |
Functions to manipulate rows of a worksheet. |
removeSheet |
Functions to manipulate worksheets. |
Row |
Functions to manipulate rows of a worksheet. |
saveWorkbook |
Functions to manipulate Excel 2007 workbooks. |
setCellStyle |
Functions to manipulate cells. |
setCellValue |
Functions to manipulate cells. |
setColumnWidth |
Functions to do various spreadsheets effects. |
setPrintArea |
Functions to do various spreadsheets effects. |
setRowHeight |
Functions to manipulate rows of a worksheet. |
setZoom |
Functions to do various spreadsheets effects. |
set_java_tmp_dir |
Set Java Temp Directory |
Sheet |
Functions to manipulate worksheets. |
Constants used in the project. |
Workbook |
Functions to manipulate Excel 2007 workbooks. |
Worksheet |
Functions to manipulate worksheets. |
write.xlsx |
Write a data.frame to an Excel workbook. |
write.xlsx2 |
Write a data.frame to an Excel workbook. |
xlsx |
Read, write, format Excel 2007 and Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 files |