Exploratory Graphics for Pharmacometrics

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Documentation for package ‘xgxr’ version 1.1.2

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case1_pkpd Case 1 PKPD Data Set
edit_rmd_template_str Edit a Rmd Template from xgx
get_rmd_name Determine the name of a Rmd template
get_rmd_str 'get_rmd_str' returns a Rmd template string, based on the desired PKPD parameters
mad Multiple Ascending Dose Data Set
mad_missing_duplicates Multiple Ascending Dose Data Set (Duplicates Removed)
mad_nca Multiple Ascending Dose Noncompartmental Analysis (NCA) dataset
nlmixr_theo_sd nlmixr Theophylline SD Data Set
predict.nls predict.nls
predictdf Prediction data frame from ggplot2 Get predictions with standard errors into data frame
predictdf.nls Prediction data frame for nls
predictdf.polr Prediction data frame for polr
sad Single Ascending Dose Data Set
StatSmoothOrdinal Stat object for producing smooths through ordinal data
StatSummaryBinQuant Stat ggproto object for binning by quantile for xgx_stat_ci
StatSummaryOrdinal Stat ggproto object for creating ggplot layers of binned confidence intervals for probabiliities of classes in ordinal data
theme_xgx Calls the standard theme for xGx graphics
xgx_annotate_filenames Append filenames to bottom of the plot
xgx_annotate_status Create a status (e.g. DRAFT) annotation layer
xgx_annotate_status_png Annotate a png file or directory of png files
xgx_auto_explore Produce an xgx-styled report the given dataset using xgx R markdown templates, or a user-provided R markdown template. (Note: The R markdown template provided must be formatted in a similar manner to that of the xgx R markdown templates to work.) The working directory will contain a new directory ('xgx_autoexplore_output') after running this function, which will contain a directory for the dataset, and futher a directory for the type of analysis / R markdown template.
xgx_breaks_log10 Sets the default breaks for log10
xgx_breaks_time Sets the default breaks for a time axis
xgx_check_data Check data for various issues
xgx_conf_int 'xgx_conf_int' returns a dataframe with mean +/- confidence intervals
xgx_dirs2char Append filenames to bottom of the plot
xgx_geom_ci Plot data with mean and confidence intervals
xgx_geom_pi Plot data with median and percent intervals
xgx_geom_smooth Wrapper for stat_smooth
xgx_geom_smooth_emax Wrapper for stat_smooth
xgx_labels_log10 Nice labels for log10.
xgx_minor_breaks_log10 Sets the default minor_breaks for log10 scales
xgx_plot Create a new xgx plot
xgx_save Saving plot, automatically annotating the status and denoting the filenames
xgx_save_table Saving table as an image, also labeling the program that created the table and where the table is stored
xgx_scale_x_log10 log10 scales the x axis with a "pretty" set of breaks
xgx_scale_x_percentchangelog10 percentchangelog10 transform for the y scale.
xgx_scale_x_reverselog10 Reverse-log transform for the x scale.
xgx_scale_x_time_units Convert time units for plotting
xgx_scale_y_log10 log10 scales the y axis with a "pretty" set of breaks
xgx_scale_y_percentchangelog10 percentchangelog10 transform for the y scale.
xgx_scale_y_reverselog10 Reverselog transform for the y scale.
xgx_scale_y_time_units Convert time units for plotting
xgx_stat_ci Plot data with mean and confidence intervals
xgx_stat_pi Plot data with median and percent intervals
xgx_stat_smooth Wrapper for stat_smooth
xgx_summarize_covariates Summarize Covariate information in a dataset
xgx_summarize_data Check data for various issues
xgx_theme Calls the standard theme for xGx graphics
xgx_theme_set Sets the standard theme for xGx graphics