case1_pkpd |
Case 1 PKPD Data Set |
edit_rmd_template_str |
Edit a Rmd Template from xgx |
get_rmd_name |
Determine the name of a Rmd template |
get_rmd_str |
'get_rmd_str' returns a Rmd template string, based on the desired PKPD parameters |
mad |
Multiple Ascending Dose Data Set |
mad_missing_duplicates |
Multiple Ascending Dose Data Set (Duplicates Removed) |
mad_nca |
Multiple Ascending Dose Noncompartmental Analysis (NCA) dataset |
nlmixr_theo_sd |
nlmixr Theophylline SD Data Set |
predict.nls |
predict.nls |
predictdf |
Prediction data frame from ggplot2 Get predictions with standard errors into data frame |
predictdf.nls |
Prediction data frame for nls |
predictdf.polr |
Prediction data frame for polr |
sad |
Single Ascending Dose Data Set |
StatSmoothOrdinal |
Stat object for producing smooths through ordinal data |
StatSummaryBinQuant |
Stat ggproto object for binning by quantile for xgx_stat_ci |
StatSummaryOrdinal |
Stat ggproto object for creating ggplot layers of binned confidence intervals for probabiliities of classes in ordinal data |
theme_xgx |
Calls the standard theme for xGx graphics |
xgx_annotate_filenames |
Append filenames to bottom of the plot |
xgx_annotate_status |
Create a status (e.g. DRAFT) annotation layer |
xgx_annotate_status_png |
Annotate a png file or directory of png files |
xgx_auto_explore |
Produce an xgx-styled report the given dataset using xgx R markdown templates, or a user-provided R markdown template. (Note: The R markdown template provided must be formatted in a similar manner to that of the xgx R markdown templates to work.) The working directory will contain a new directory ('xgx_autoexplore_output') after running this function, which will contain a directory for the dataset, and futher a directory for the type of analysis / R markdown template. |
xgx_breaks_log10 |
Sets the default breaks for log10 |
xgx_breaks_time |
Sets the default breaks for a time axis |
xgx_check_data |
Check data for various issues |
xgx_conf_int |
'xgx_conf_int' returns a dataframe with mean +/- confidence intervals |
xgx_dirs2char |
Append filenames to bottom of the plot |
xgx_geom_ci |
Plot data with mean and confidence intervals |
xgx_geom_pi |
Plot data with median and percent intervals |
xgx_geom_smooth |
Wrapper for stat_smooth |
xgx_geom_smooth_emax |
Wrapper for stat_smooth |
xgx_labels_log10 |
Nice labels for log10. |
xgx_minor_breaks_log10 |
Sets the default minor_breaks for log10 scales |
xgx_plot |
Create a new xgx plot |
xgx_save |
Saving plot, automatically annotating the status and denoting the filenames |
xgx_save_table |
Saving table as an image, also labeling the program that created the table and where the table is stored |
xgx_scale_x_log10 |
log10 scales the x axis with a "pretty" set of breaks |
xgx_scale_x_percentchangelog10 |
percentchangelog10 transform for the y scale. |
xgx_scale_x_reverselog10 |
Reverse-log transform for the x scale. |
xgx_scale_x_time_units |
Convert time units for plotting |
xgx_scale_y_log10 |
log10 scales the y axis with a "pretty" set of breaks |
xgx_scale_y_percentchangelog10 |
percentchangelog10 transform for the y scale. |
xgx_scale_y_reverselog10 |
Reverselog transform for the y scale. |
xgx_scale_y_time_units |
Convert time units for plotting |
xgx_stat_ci |
Plot data with mean and confidence intervals |
xgx_stat_pi |
Plot data with median and percent intervals |
xgx_stat_smooth |
Wrapper for stat_smooth |
xgx_summarize_covariates |
Summarize Covariate information in a dataset |
xgx_summarize_data |
Check data for various issues |
xgx_theme |
Calls the standard theme for xGx graphics |
xgx_theme_set |
Sets the standard theme for xGx graphics |