ContinuousScaleFitness | Dispersion Ratio Based Fitness Scaling. |
Counted | Transformation into a counted function |
DeJongF4Factory | Factory for function F4 (30-dimensional quartic with noise) |
DelayedPFactory | Factory for a 2-dimensional quadratic parabola with delayed execution. |
DispersionMeasureFactory | Configure dispersion measure. |
DispersionRatio | Dispersion Ratio |
envXOR | The problem environment 'envXOR' for programming the XOR function either by grammar-based genetic programming or grammatical evolution. |
EvalGene | Evaluate a gene |
EvalGeneDet | Evaluates a gene in a deterministic problem environment. |
EvalGeneFactory | Configure the evaluation function of a genetic algorithm. |
EvalGeneR | Evaluates a repaired gene in a problem environment. |
EvalGeneStoch | Evaluates a gene in a stochastic problem environment. |
EvalGeneU | Evaluates a gene in a problem environment |
lau15 | The problem environment 'lau15' for a traveling salesman problem. |
newCounter | Counter |
newEnvXOR | Generates a problem environment for the XOR problem. |
NewlFevalGenes | Generate local functions and objects |
NewlFselectGenes | Generate local functions and objects. |
newTimer | Timer for R code chunks. |
newTSP | Generate a TSP problem environment |
Parabola2DEarlyFactory | Factory for a 2-dimensional quadratic parabola with early termination check. |
Parabola2DErrFactory | Factory for a randomly failing 2-dimensional quadratic parabola. |
Parabola2DFactory | Factory for a 2-dimensional quadratic parabola. |
parm | Factory for constants |
predictSelectTime | Predict the time use of a selection method for a popsize. |
runOneBenchmark | Script for testing a single selection functions |
runSelectBenchmarks | Script for testing all selection functions |
ScaleFitness | Scaling Fitness |
ScalingFactory | Scaling Factory |
ScalingFitness | Abstract interface for ScaleFitness. |
selectBenchmark | Benchmark and stress test of selection functions. |
SelectDuel | Deterministic duel. |
SelectGeneFactory | Configure the selection function of a genetic algorithm. |
SelectLinearRankTSR | Linear rank selection. |
SelectLRSelective | Linear rank selection with selective pressure. |
SelectPropFit | Selection proportional to fitness O(n^2). |
SelectPropFitDiff | Selection proportional to fitness differences. |
SelectPropFitDiffM | Selection proportional to fitness differences. |
SelectPropFitDiffOnln | Selection proportional to fitness differences O(n ln(n)). |
SelectPropFitM | Selection proportional to fitness (vector/matrix). |
SelectPropFitOnln | Selection proportional to fitness O(n ln(n)). |
SelectSTournament | Stochastic tournament selection. |
SelectSUS | Stochastic universal sampling. |
SelectTournament | Tournament selection. |
SelectUniform | Selection with uniform probability. |
SelectUniformP | Selection with uniform probability without replacement. |
STournament | Stochastic tournament of size 'k'. |
testEvalGeneStoch | Test of incremental mean, variance, and standard deviation. |
testSelectGene | Test a gene selection function |
ThresholdScaleFitness | Dispersion Ratio Based Fitness Scaling. |
Timed | Transformation into a timed function |
Tournament | Deterministic tournament of size 'k'. |
TransformSelect | Convert a selection function into a continuation. |
xegaSelectGene | Package xegaSelectGene. |