lFxegaGaGene {xegaGaGene}R Documentation

The local function list lFxegaGaGene.


We enhance the configurability of our code by introducing a function factory. The function factory contains all the functions that are needed for defining local functions in genetic operators. The local function list keeps the signatures of functions (e.g. mutation functions) uniform and small. At the same time, variants of functions can use different local functions.




An object of class list of length 28.


We use the local function list for

  1. replacing all constants by constant functions.

    Rationale: We need one formal argument (the local function list lF) and we can dispatch multiple functions. E.g. lF$verbose()

  2. dynamically binding a local function with a definition from a proper function factory. E.g., the selection methods lf$SelectGene and SelectMate.

  3. gene representations which require special functions to handle them: lf$InitGene, lF$DecodeGene, lf$EvalGene lf$ReplicateGene, ...

See Also

Other Configuration: xegaGaCrossoverFactory(), xegaGaGeneMapFactory(), xegaGaMutationFactory(), xegaGaReplicationFactory()

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