Compile a Backus-Naur Form Specification into an R Grammar Object

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Documentation for package ‘xegaBNF’ version

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booleanGrammar A constant function which returns the BNF (Backus-Naur Form) of a context-free grammar for the XOR problem.
compileBNF Compile a BNF (Backus-Naur Form) of a context-free grammar.
compileShortPT Produces a production table with non-recursive productions only.
derive Derives the identifier list which expands the non-terminal identifier.
id2symb Convert a numeric identifier to a symbol.
isNonTerminal Is the numeric identifier a non-terminal symbol?
isTerminal Is the numeric identifier a terminal symbol?
makeProductionTable Produces a production table.
makeRule Transforms a single BNF rule into a production table.
makeStartSymbol Extracts the numerical identifier of the start symbol of the grammar.
makeSymbolTable Build a symbol table from a character string which contains a BNF.
newBNF Convert grammar file into a constant function.
readBNF Read text file.
rules Returns all indices of rules applicable for a non-terminal identifier.
symb2id Convert a symbol to a numeric identifier.
writeBNF Write BNF into text file.
xegaBNF Package xegaBNF