xLLiM-package {xLLiM}R Documentation

High Dimensional Locally-Linear Mapping


Provides a tool for non linear mapping (non linear regression) using a mixture of regression model and an inverse regression strategy. The methods include the GLLiM model (see Deleforge et al (2015) <DOI:10.1007/s11222-014-9461-5>) based on Gaussian mixtures and a robust version of GLLiM, named SLLiM (see Perthame et al (2016) <https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01347455>) based on a mixture of Generalized Student distributions. The methods also include BLLiM (see Devijver et al (2017) <https://arxiv.org/abs/1701.07899>) which is an extension of GLLiM with a sparse block diagonal structure for large covariance matrices (particularly interesting for transcriptomic data).


Package: xLLiM
Type: Package
Version: 2.1
Date: 2017-05-23
License: GPL (>= 2)

The methods implemented in this package adress the following non-linear mapping issue:

E(YX=x)=g(x), E(Y | X=x) = g(x),

where YY is a L-vector of multivariate responses and XX is a large D-vector of covariates' profiles such that DLD \gg L. The methods implemented in this package aims at estimating the non linear regression function gg.

First, the methods of this package are based on an inverse regression strategy. The inverse conditional relation p(XY)p(X | Y) is specified in a way that the forward relation of interest p(YX)p(Y | X) can be deduced in closed-from. The large number DD of covariates is handled by this inverse regression trick, which acts as a dimension reduction technique. The number of parameters to estimate is therefore drastically reduced.

Second, we propose to approximate the non linear gg regression function by a piecewise affine function. Therefore, a hidden discrete variable ZZ is introduced, in order to separate the space in KK regressions such that an affine model holds in each region kk between responses Y and variables X:

X=k=1KIZ=k(AkY+bk+Ek)X = \sum_{k=1}^K I_{Z=k} (A_k Y + b_k + E_k)

where AkA_k is a D×LD \times L matrix of coeffcients for regression kk, bkb_k is a D-vector of intercepts and EkE_k is a random noise.

All the models implemented in this package are based on mixture of regression models. The components of the mixture are Gaussian for GLLiM. SLLiM is a robust extension of GLLiM, based on Generalized Student mixtures. Indeed, Generalized Student distributions are heavy-tailed distributions which improve the robustness of the model compared to their Gaussian counterparts. BLLiM is an extension of GLLiM designed to provide an interpretable prediction tool for the analysis of transcriptomic data. It assumes a block diagonal dependence structure between covariates (genes) conditionally to the response. The block structure is automatically chosen among a collection of models using the slope heuristics.

For both GLLiM and SLLiM, this package provides the possibility to add LwL_w latent variables, when the responses are partially observed. In this situation, the vector Y=(T,W)Y=(T,W) is split into an observed LtL_t-vector TT and an unobserved LwL_w-vector WW. The total size of the response is therefore L=Lt+LwL=L_t+L_w where LwL_w is chosen by the user. See [1] for details but this amounts to consider factors and allows to add structure in the large dimensional covariance matrices. The user must choose the number of mixtures components KK and, if needed, the number of latent factors LwL_w. For small datasets (less than 100 observations), we suggest to select both (K,Lw)(K,L_w) by minimizing the BIC criterion. For larger datasets, we suggest to set LwL_w using BIC while setting KK to an arbitrary value large enough to catch non linear relations between responses and covariates and small enough to have several observations (at least 10) in each clusters. Indeed, for large datasets, the number of clusters should not have a strong impact on the results provided it is sufficiently large.

We propose to assess the prediction accuracy of a new response xtestx_{test} by computing the NRMSE (Normalized Root Mean Square Error) which is the RMSE normalized by the RMSE of prediction by the mean of training responses:

NRMSE=y^xtest2yˉxtest2NRMSE = \frac{|| \hat{y} - x_{test}||_2}{|| \bar{y} - x_{test} ||_2}

where y^\hat{y} is the predicted response, xtestx_{test} is the true testing response and yˉ\bar{y} is the mean of training responses.

The functions available in this package are used in this order:


Emeline Perthame (emeline.perthame@inria.fr), Florence Forbes (florence.forbes@inria.fr), Antoine Deleforge (antoine.deleforge@inria.fr)


[1] A. Deleforge, F. Forbes, and R. Horaud. High-dimensional regression with Gaussian mixtures and partially-latent response variables. Statistics and Computing, 25(5):893–911, 2015.

[2] E. Devijver, M. Gallopin, E. Perthame. Nonlinear network-based quantitative trait prediction from transcriptomic data. Submitted, 2017, available at https://arxiv.org/abs/1701.07899.

[3] E. Perthame, F. Forbes, and A. Deleforge. Inverse regression approach to robust nonlinear high-to-low dimensional mapping. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 163(C):1–14, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmva.2017.09.009

[4] X. Qiao and N. Minematsu. Mixture of probabilistic linear regressions: A unified view of GMM-based mapping techiques. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2009.

The gllim and gllim_inverse_map functions have been converted to R from the original Matlab code of the GLLiM toolbox available on: https://team.inria.fr/perception/gllim_toolbox/

See Also



### Not run

## Example of inverse regression with GLLiM model
# data(data.xllim)  
# dim(data.xllim) #  size 52 y 100
# responses = data.xllim[1:2,] # 2 responses in rows and 100 observations in columns
# covariates = data.xllim[3:52,] # 50 covariates in rows and 100 observations in columns

## Set 5 components in the model
# K = 5

## Step 1: initialization of the posterior probabilities (class assignments) 
## via standard EM for a joint Gaussian Mixture Model
# r = emgm(rbind(responses, covariates), init=K); 

## Step 2: estimation of the model
## Default Lw=0 and cstr$Sigma="i"
# mod = gllim(responses,covariates,in_K=K,in_r=r)

## Skip Step 1 and go to Step 2: automatic initialization and estimation of the model
# mod = gllim(responses,covariates,in_K=K)

## Alternative: Add Lw=1 latent factor to the model
# mod = gllim(responses,covariates,in_K=K,in_r=r,Lw=1)

## Different constraints on the large covariance matrices can be added: 
## see details in the documentation of the GLLiM function
## description
# mod = gllim(responses,covariates,in_K=K,in_r=r,cstr=list(Sigma="i")) #default
# mod = gllim(responses,covariates,in_K=K,in_r=r,cstr=list(Sigma="d"))
# mod = gllim(responses,covariates,in_K=K,in_r=r,cstr=list(Sigma=""))
# mod = gllim(responses,covariates,in_K=K,in_r=r,cstr=list(Sigma="*"))
## End of example of inverse regression with GLLiM model

## Step 3: Prediction on a test dataset
# data(data.xllim.test) size 50 y 20
# pred = gllim_inverse_map(data.xllim.test,mod)
## Predicted responses using the mean of \eqn{p(y | x)}.
# pred$x_exp

## Example of leave-ntest-out (1 fold cross-validation) procedure 
# n = ncol(covariates)
# ntest=10
# id.test = sample(1:n,ntest)
# train.responses = responses[,-id.test]
# train.covariates = covariates[,-id.test]
# test.responses = responses[,id.test]
# test.covariates = covariates[,id.test]

## Learn the model on training data
# mod = gllim(train.responses, train.covariates,in_K=K)

## Predict responses on testing data 
# pred = gllim_inverse_map(test.covariates,mod)$x_exp

## nrmse : normalized root mean square error to measure prediction performance 
## the normalization term is the rmse of the prediction by the mean of training responses
## an nrmse larger than 1 means that the procedure performs worse than prediction by the mean
# norm_term = sqrt(rowMeans(sweep(test.responses,1,rowMeans(train.responses),"-")^2))
## Returns 1 value for each response variable 
# nrmse = sqrt(rowMeans((test.responses-pred)^2))/norm_term 

[Package xLLiM version 2.3 Index]