Weighted Subspace Random Forest for Classification

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Documentation for package ‘wsrf’ version 1.7.30

Help Pages

combine Combine Ensembles of Trees
combine.wsrf Combine Ensembles of Trees
correlation Correlation
correlation.wsrf Correlation
importance Extract Variable Importance Measure
importance.wsrf Extract Variable Importance Measure
oob.error.rate Out-of-Bag Error Rate
oob.error.rate.wsrf Out-of-Bag Error Rate
predict Predict Method for 'wsrf' Model
predict.wsrf Predict Method for 'wsrf' Model
print Print Method for 'wsrf' Model
print.wsrf Print Method for 'wsrf' Model
strength Strength
strength.wsrf Strength
subset Subset of a Forest
subset.wsrf Subset of a Forest
varCounts.wsrf Number of Times of Variables Selected as Split Condition
wsrf Build a Forest of Weighted Subspace Decision Trees
wsrf.default Build a Forest of Weighted Subspace Decision Trees
wsrf.formula Build a Forest of Weighted Subspace Decision Trees