combine | Combine Ensembles of Trees |
combine.wsrf | Combine Ensembles of Trees |
correlation | Correlation |
correlation.wsrf | Correlation |
importance | Extract Variable Importance Measure |
importance.wsrf | Extract Variable Importance Measure |
oob.error.rate | Out-of-Bag Error Rate |
oob.error.rate.wsrf | Out-of-Bag Error Rate |
predict | Predict Method for 'wsrf' Model |
predict.wsrf | Predict Method for 'wsrf' Model |
Print Method for 'wsrf' Model | |
print.wsrf | Print Method for 'wsrf' Model |
strength | Strength |
strength.wsrf | Strength |
subset | Subset of a Forest |
subset.wsrf | Subset of a Forest |
varCounts.wsrf | Number of Times of Variables Selected as Split Condition |
wsrf | Build a Forest of Weighted Subspace Decision Trees |
wsrf.default | Build a Forest of Weighted Subspace Decision Trees |
wsrf.formula | Build a Forest of Weighted Subspace Decision Trees |