Useful Wrappers Around Commonly Used Functions

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Documentation for package ‘wrappedtools’ version 0.9.5

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bt Add backticks to names or remove them
cat_desc_stats Compute absolute and relative frequencies.
cat_desc_table Compute absolute and relative frequencies for a table.
cn Shortcut for colnames()
ColSeeker Find numeric index and names of columns based on type and patterns
compare2numvars Comparison for columns of numbers for 2 groups
compare2qualvars Comparison for columns of factors for 2 groups
compare_n_numvars Comparison for columns of Gaussian or ordinal measures for n groups
compare_n_qualvars Comparison for columns of factors for more than 2 groups with post-hoc
cortestR Correlations with significance
detect_outliers Find outliers based on IQR
eGFR Estimation of glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) based on sex, age, and either serum creatinine and/or cystatin C
faketrial Results from a simulated clinical trial with interaction effects.
FindVars Find numeric index and names of columns based on patterns
flex2rmd Transform flextable to rmd if non-interactive
formatP Re-format p-values, avoiding rounding to 0 and adding surprisal if requested
ggcormat Print graphical representation of a correlation matrix.
glmCI Confidence interval for generalized linear models
ksnormal Kolmogorov-Smirnov-Test against Normal distribution
label_outliers Add labels to outliers in boxplot/beeswarm.
logrange_1 Predefined sets of labels for plots with log-scaled axes
logrange_123456789 Predefined sets of labels for plots with log-scaled axes
logrange_12357 Predefined sets of labels for plots with log-scaled axes
logrange_15 Predefined sets of labels for plots with log-scaled axes
logrange_5 Predefined sets of labels for plots with log-scaled axes
markSign Convert significance levels to symbols
meansd Compute mean and sd and put together with the ± symbol.
meanse Compute mean and standard error of mean and put together with the ± symbol.
medianse Compute standard error of median.
median_cl_boot Compute confidence interval of median by bootstrapping.
median_cl_boot_gg Rename output from median_cl_boot for use in ggplot.
median_quart Compute median and quartiles and put together.
pairwise_fisher_test Pairwise Fisher's exact tests
pairwise_ordcat_test Pairwise comparison for ordinal categories
pairwise_t_test Extended pairwise t-test
pairwise_wilcox_test Pairwise Wilcoxon tests
pdf_kable Enhanced kable with latex
plot_LB Lineweaver-Burk diagram
plot_MM Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics model and plot
print_kable Enhanced kable with definable number of rows and/or columns for splitting
roundR Automatic rounding to a reasonable length, based on largest number
SEM Standard Error of Mean.
se_median Compute standard error of median
surprisal Compute surprisal aka Shannon information from p-values Search within data.frame or tibble
t_var_test Independent sample t-test with test for equal variance
var_coeff Compute coefficient of variance.
WINratio Comparison for groups in clinical trials based on all possible combinations of subjects