filterList {wrMisc}R Documentation

Filter for unique elements


This function aims to apply a given filter-citerium, a matrix or vector of FALSE/TRUE which is typically combined with a second layer which filters for a min content of filer-passing values per line for the first/main criterium. Then all lines concerned will be removed. This will be done for all list-elements (of appropriate size) of the input-list (while maintaining the list-structure in the output) not matching the filtering criteria.


filterList(lst, filt, minLineRatio = 0.5, silent = FALSE, callFrom = NULL)



(list) main input, each vector, matrix or data.frame in this list will be filtered if its length or number of lines fits to filt


(logical) vector of FALSE/TRUE to use for filtering. If this a matrix is given, the value of minLineRatio will be applied as threshod of min content of TRUE for each line of filt


(numeric) in case filt is a matrix of FALSE/TRUE, this value will be used as threshold of min content of TRUE for each line of filt


(logical) suppress messages


(character) allow easier tracking of message(s) produced


filtered list

See Also

correctToUnique, unique, duplicated, extrColsDeX


set.seed(2020); dat1 <- round(runif(80),2)
list1 <- list(m1=matrix(dat1[1:40],ncol=8), m2=matrix(dat1[41:80],ncol=8), other=letters[1:8])
rownames(list1$m1) <- rownames(list1$m2) <- paste0("line",1:5)
filterList(list1, list1$m1[,1] >0.4) 
filterList(list1, list1$m1 >0.4) 

[Package wrMisc version 1.15.1 Index]