WqData-class {wql}R Documentation

Class WqData


A simple extension or subclass of the "data.frame" class for typical “discrete” water quality monitoring programs that examine phenomena on a time scale of days or longer. It requires water quality data to be in a specific “long” format, although a generating function wqData can be used for different forms of data.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("WqData", d), where d is a data.frame. d should have columns named time, site, depth, variable, value of class "DateTime", "factor", "numeric", "factor", "numeric", respectively.

See Also

DateTime-class, tsMake,WqData-method, wqData


# Construct the WqData object sfb as shown in the wqData examples.
sfb <- wqData(sfbay, c(1, 3, 4), 5:12, site.order = TRUE, type = "wide",
  time.format = "%m/%d/%Y")
# Summarize the data
# Create boxplot summary of data
plot(sfb, vars = c("chl", "dox", "spm"), num.col = 2)
# Extract some of the data as a WqData object
sfb[1:10, ]  # first 10 observations
sfb[sfb$depth == 20, ]  # all observations at 20 m

[Package wql version 1.0.1 Index]