Name of indicator. Possible values are:
- fert
Total fertililty rate. Merges datasets tfr
and tfrprojMed
- leF
Female life expectancy. Merges datasets e0F
and e0Fproj
- leM
Male life expectancy. Merges datasets e0M
and e0Mproj
- tpop
Total population. Uses datasets with age- and sex-specific population counts and agregates over sexes and ages.
- tpopF
Total female population. Uses datasets popF
and popFprojMed
and aggregates over ages.
- tpopM
Total male population. Uses datasets popM
and popMprojMed
and aggregates over ages.
- mig
Total net migration. For wpp2019 and wpp2015, the dataset migration
is used. For wpp2012 and wpp2010 it aggregates datasets migrationF
and migrationM
over ages.
- migrate
Annual migration rate per thousand population. The denominator is approximated with the average population ((Pt+Pt−1)/2
- popagesex
Population by sex and age. Uses datasets popM
and popMprojMed
. It requires two arguments in ..., namely sexm=c("F", "M")
agem=c("0-4", "5-9", ..., "95-99", "100+")
. The function aggregates population counts over the given sex and age groups.
- mortagesex
Mortality by sex and age. Uses datasets mxF
and mxM
. It requires two atguments in ..., namely sex
which is either "F" or "M", and age
which is one of ("0", "1", "5", "10", "15", "20", ... "95", "100+").
- fertage
Age-specific fertility rate. Uses datasets tfr
and tfrprojMed
which are merged together and dataset percentASFR
to derive age-specific rates. It requires one argument in ..., namely age
which is one of ("15-19", "20-24", ..., "45-49").
- pfertage
Percent age-specific fertility. Corresponds to the dataset percentASFR
. Argument agem
as defined above giving one or more age categories is required.
- sexratio
Sex ratio at birth. Corresponds to the dataset sexRatio
- medage
Median age.
- meanagechbear
Mean age at childbearing.
- meanageinchbearage
Mean age of women in childbearing ages.
- tdratio
Total dependency ratio. Ratio of population of age 0 to 14 and 65+ to population of age 15-64.
- chdratio
Child dependency ratio. Ratio of population of age 0 to 14 to population of age 15-64.
- oadratio
Old-age dependency ratio. Ratio of population of age 65+ to population of age 15-64.
- psratio
Potential support ratio. Inverse of old-age dependency ratio.
- popgrowth
Average annual population growth (log(Pt/Pt−1)/5
Lower or upper bound of the corresponding indicator. Requires argument which.pi
which is one of “80”, “95”, “half.child”, and an argument bound
which is
either “low” or “high”. Arguments sexm
and agem
(as defined above, but of length one) are required for