network_summary {wpa}R Documentation

Summarise node centrality statistics with an igraph object


Pass an igraph object to the function and obtain centrality statistics for each node in the object as a data frame. This function works as a wrapper of the centralization functions in 'igraph'.


network_summary(graph, hrvar = NULL, return = "table")



'igraph' object that can be returned from network_g2g() or network_p2p()when the return argument is set to "network".


String containing the name of the HR Variable by which to split metrics. Defaults to NULL.


String specifying what output to return. Valid inputs include:

  • "table"

  • "network"

  • "plot"

See Value for more information.


By default, a data frame containing centrality statistics. Available statistics include:

When "network" is passed to "return", an 'igraph' object is returned with additional node attributes containing centrality scores.

When "plot" is passed to "return", a summary table is returned showing the average centrality scores by HR attribute. This is currently available if there is a valid HR attribute.

See Also

Other Network: external_network_plot(), g2g_data, internal_network_plot(), network_describe(), network_g2g(), network_p2p(), p2p_data_sim()


# Simulate a p2p network
p2p_data <- p2p_data_sim(size = 100)
g <- network_p2p(data = p2p_data, return = "network")

# Return summary table
network_summary(graph = g, return = "table")

# Return network with node centrality statistics
network_summary(graph = g, return = "network")

# Return summary plot
network_summary(graph = g, return = "plot", hrvar = "Organization")

# Simulate a g2g network and return table
g2 <- g2g_data %>% network_g2g(return = "network")
network_summary(graph = g2, return = "table")

[Package wpa version 1.9.1 Index]