Analysis of Work Loops and Other Data from Muscle Physiology Experiments

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Documentation for package ‘workloopR’ version 1.1.4

Help Pages

analyze_workloop Analyze work loop object to compute work and power output
as_muscle_stim Create your own muscle_stim object
fix_GR Adjust for the gear ratio of a motor arm
get_wl_metadata Get file info for a sequence of experiment files
invert_position Invert the position data
isometric_timing Compute timing and magnitude of force in isometric trials
read_analyze_wl All-in-one import function for work loop files
read_analyze_wl_dir Read and analyze work loop files from a directory
read_ddf Import work loop or isometric data from .ddf files
read_ddf_dir Import a batch of work loop or isometric data files from a directory
select_cycles Select cycles from a work loop object
summarize_wl_trials Summarize work loop files
time_correct Time correction for work loop experiments
trapezoidal_integration Approximate the definite integral via the trapezoidal rule