wage1 {wooldridge} | R Documentation |
Wooldridge Source: These are data from the 1976 Current Population Survey, collected by Henry Farber when he and I were colleagues at MIT in 1988. Data loads lazily.
A data.frame with 526 observations on 24 variables:
wage: average hourly earnings
educ: years of education
exper: years potential experience
tenure: years with current employer
nonwhite: =1 if nonwhite
female: =1 if female
married: =1 if married
numdep: number of dependents
smsa: =1 if live in SMSA
northcen: =1 if live in north central U.S
south: =1 if live in southern region
west: =1 if live in western region
construc: =1 if work in construc. indus.
ndurman: =1 if in nondur. manuf. indus.
trcommpu: =1 if in trans, commun, pub ut
trade: =1 if in wholesale or retail
services: =1 if in services indus.
profserv: =1 if in prof. serv. indus.
profocc: =1 if in profess. occupation
clerocc: =1 if in clerical occupation
servocc: =1 if in service occupation
lwage: log(wage)
expersq: exper^2
tenursq: tenure^2
Barry Murphy, of the University of Portsmouth in the UK, has pointed out that for several observations the values for exper and tenure are in logical conflict. In particular, for some workers the number of years with current employer (tenure) is greater than overall work experience (exper). At least some of these conflicts are due to the definition of exper as “potential” work experience, but probably not all. Nevertheless, I am using the data set as it was supplied to me.
Used in Text: pages 7, 17, 33-34, 37, 76, 91, 125, 183, 194-195, 220, 231, 234, 235-236, 240-241, 243-244, 263, 272, 326, 678