sleep75 {wooldridge} | R Documentation |
Wooldridge Source: J.E. Biddle and D.S. Hamermesh (1990), “Sleep and the Allocation of Time,” Journal of Political Economy 98, 922-943. Professor Biddle kindly provided the data. Data loads lazily.
A data.frame with 706 observations on 34 variables:
age: in years
black: =1 if black
case: identifier
clerical: =1 if clerical worker
construc: =1 if construction worker
educ: years of schooling
earns74: total earnings, 1974
gdhlth: =1 if in good or excel. health
inlf: =1 if in labor force
leis1: sleep - totwrk
leis2: slpnaps - totwrk
leis3: rlxall - totwrk
smsa: =1 if live in smsa
lhrwage: log hourly wage
lothinc: log othinc, unless othinc < 0
male: =1 if male
marr: =1 if married
prot: =1 if Protestant
rlxall: slpnaps + personal activs
selfe: =1 if self employed
sleep: mins sleep at night, per wk
slpnaps: minutes sleep, inc. naps
south: =1 if live in south
spsepay: spousal wage income
spwrk75: =1 if spouse works
totwrk: mins worked per week
union: =1 if belong to union
worknrm: mins work main job
workscnd: mins work second job
exper: age - educ - 6
yngkid: =1 if children < 3 present
yrsmarr: years married
hrwage: hourly wage
agesq: age^2
In their article, Biddle and Hamermesh include an hourly wage measure in the sleep equation. An econometric problem that arises is that the hourly wage is missing for those who do not work. Plus, the wage offer may be endogenous (even if it were always observed). Biddle and Hamermesh employ extensions of the sample selection methods in Section 17.5. See their article for details.
Used in Text: pages 64, 106-107, 162, 259, 263, 299