prminwge {wooldridge} | R Documentation |
Wooldridge Source: A.J. Castillo-Freeman and R.B. Freeman (1992), “When the Minimum Wage Really Bites: The Effect of the U.S.-Level Minimum Wage on Puerto Rico,” in Immigration and the Work Force, edited by G.J. Borjas and R.B. Freeman, 177-211. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. The data are reported in the article. Data loads lazily.
A data.frame with 38 observations on 25 variables:
year: 1950-1987
avgmin: weighted avg min wge, 44 indust
avgwage: wghted avg hrly wge, 44 indust
kaitz: Kaitz min wage index
avgcov: wghted avg coverage, 8 indust
covt: economy-wide coverage of min wg
mfgwage: avg manuf. wage
prdef: Puerto Rican price deflator
prepop: PR employ/popul ratio
prepopf: PR employ/popul ratio, alter.
prgnp: PR GNP
prunemp: PR unemployment rate
usgnp: US GNP
t: time trend: 1 to 38
post74: time trend: starts in 1974
lprunemp: log(prunemp)
lprgnp: log(prgnp)
lusgnp: log(usgnp)
lkaitz: log(kaitz)
lprun_1: lprunemp[_n-1]
lprepop: log(prepop)
lprep_1: lprepop[_n-1]
mincov: (avgmin/avgwage)*avgcov
lmincov: log(mincov)
lavgmin: log(avgmin)
Given the ongoing debate on the employment effects of the minimum wage, this would be a great data set to try to update. The coverage rates are the most difficult variables to construct.
Used in Text: pages 356-357, 369-370, 420-421, 434