mathpnl {wooldridge} | R Documentation |
Wooldridge Source: Leslie Papke, an economics professor at MSU, collected these data from Michigan Department of Education web site, These are district-level data, which Professor Papke kindly provided. She has used building-level data in “The Effects of Spending on Test Pass Rates: Evidence from Michigan” (2005), Journal of Public Economics 89, 821-839. Data loads lazily.
A data.frame with 3850 observations on 52 variables:
distid: district identifier
intid: intermediate school district
lunch: percent eligible for free lunch
enrol: school enrollment
ptr: pupil/teacher: 1995-98
found: foundation grant, $: 1995-98
expp: expenditure per pupil
revpp: revenue per pupil
avgsal: average teacher salary
drop: high school dropout rate, percent
grad: high school grad. rate, percent
math4: percent satisfactory, 4th grade math
math7: percent satisfactory, 7th grade math
choice: number choice students
psa: # public school academy studs.
year: 1992-1998
staff: staff per 1000 students
avgben: avg teacher fringe benefits
y92: =1 if year == 1992
y93: =1 if year == 1993
y94: =1 if year == 1994
y95: =1 if year == 1995
y96: =1 if year == 1996
y97: =1 if year == 1997
y98: =1 if year == 1998
lexpp: log(expp)
lfound: log(found)
lexpp_1: lexpp[_n-1]
lfnd_1: lfnd[_n-1]
lenrol: log(enrol)
lenrolsq: lenrol^2
lunchsq: lunch^2
lfndsq: lfnd^2
math4_1: math4[_n-1]
cmath4: math4 - math4_1
gexpp: lexpp - lexpp_1
gexpp_1: gexpp[_n-1
gfound: lfound - lfnd_1
gfnd_1: gfound[_n-1]
clunch: lunch - lunch[_n-1]
clnchsq: lunchsq - lunchsq[_n-1]
genrol: lenrol - lenrol[_n-1]
genrolsq: genrol^2
expp92: expp in 1992
lexpp92: log(expp92)
math4_92: math4 in 1992
cpi: consumer price index
rexpp: real spending per pupil, 1997$
lrexpp: log(rexpp)
lrexpp_1: lrexpp[_n-1]
grexpp: lrexpp - lrexpp_1
grexpp_1: grexpp[_n-1]
Used in Text
pages 479-480, 505-506