fringe {wooldridge}R Documentation



Wooldridge Source: F. Vella (1993), “A Simple Estimator for Simultaneous Models with Censored Endogenous Regressors,” International Economic Review 34, 441-457. Professor Vella kindly provided the data. Data loads lazily.




A data.frame with 616 observations on 39 variables:


Currently, this data set is used in only one Computer Exercise – to illustrate the Tobit model. It can be used much earlier. First, one could just ignore the pileup at zero and use a linear model where any of the hourly benefit measures is the dependent variable. Another possibility is to use this data set for a problem set in Chapter 4, after students have read Example 4.10. That example, which uses teacher salary/benefit data at the school level, finds the expected tradeoff, although it appears to less than one-to-one. By contrast, if you do a similar analysis with FRINGE.RAW, you will not find a tradeoff. A positive coefficient on the benefit/salary ratio is not too surprising because we probably cannot control for enough factors, especially when looking across different occupations. The Michigan school-level data is more aggregated than one would like, but it does restrict attention to a more homogeneous group: high school teachers in Michigan.

Used in Text: page 624-625




[Package wooldridge version 1.4-3 Index]