fair {wooldridge} | R Documentation |
Wooldridge Source: R.C. Fair (1996), “Econometrics and Presidential Elections,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 10, 89-102. The data set is provided in the article. Data loads lazily.
A data.frame with 21 observations on 28 variables:
year: 1916 to 1992, by 4
V: prop. dem. vote
I: =1 if demwh, -1 if repwh
DPER: incumbent running
DUR: duration
g3: avg ann grwth rte, prev 3 qrts
p15: avg ann inf rate, prev 15 qtrs
n: quarters of good news
g2: avg ann grwth rte, prev 2 qrts
gYR: ann grwth rte, prev year
p8: avg ann inf rate, prev 8 qtrs
p2YR: inf rte over 2 yr period
Ig2: I*g2
Ip8: I*p8
demwins: =1 if V > .5
In: I*n
d: =1 in 1920, 1944,1948
Id: I*d
Ig3: I*g3
Ip151md: I*p15*(1-d)
In1md: I*n*(1-d)
An updated version of this data set, through the 2004 election, is available at Professor Fair’s web site at Yale University: http://fairmodel.econ.yale.edu/rayfair/pdf/2001b.htm. Students might want to try their own hands at predicting the most recent election outcome, but they should be restricted to no more than a handful of explanatory variables because of the small sample size.
Used in Text: pages 362-363, 440, 442