crime2 {wooldridge} | R Documentation |
Wooldridge Source: These data were collected by David Dicicco, a former MSU undergraduate, for a final project. They came from various issues of the County and City Data Book, and are for the years 1982 and 1985. Unfortunately, I do not have the list of cities. Data loads lazily.
A data.frame with 92 observations on 34 variables:
pop: population
crimes: total number index crimes
unem: unemployment rate
officers: number police officers
pcinc: per capita income
west: =1 if city in west
nrtheast: =1 if city in NE
south: =1 if city in south
year: 82 or 87
area: land area, square miles
d87: =1 if year = 87
popden: people per sq mile
crmrte: crimes per 1000 people
offarea: officers per sq mile
lawexpc: law enforce. expend. pc, $
polpc: police per 1000 people
lpop: log(pop)
loffic: log(officers)
lpcinc: log(pcinc)
llawexpc: log(lawexpc)
lpopden: log(popden)
lcrimes: log(crimes)
larea: log(area)
lcrmrte: log(crmrte)
clcrimes: change in lcrimes
clpop: change in lpop
clcrmrte: change in lcrmrte
lpolpc: log(polpc)
clpolpc: change in lpolpc
cllawexp: change in llawexp
cunem: change in unem
clpopden: change in lpopden
lcrmrt_1: lcrmrte lagged
ccrmrte: change in crmrte
Very rich crime data sets, at the county, or even city, level, can be collected using the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports. These data can be matched up with demographic and economic data, at least for census years. The County and City Data Book contains a variety of statistics, but the years do not always match up. These data sets can be used investigate issues such as the effects of casinos on city or county crime rates.
Used in Text: pages 313-314, 459-460