World Magnetic Model

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Documentation for package ‘wmm’ version 1.1.1

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wmm-package wmm: R Implementation of World Magnetic Model
.CalcLegendre Compute Associated Legendre Functions Given Sequence of (degree, order) Indices
.CalcLegendreComponents Compute Legendre Components
.CalcPolynomialComponents Calculate Polynomial Components for Associated Legendre Function
.CalculateGaussCoef Lookup Table for Gauss coefficients g & h
.CalculateGeocentricFieldSum Calculate sum of geocentric field components
.CalculateMagneticElements Calculate Expected Magnetic Elements from WMM2020
.CalculateMagneticField Calculate Expected Magnetic Field from WMM2020
.CalculateRadiusCurvature Radius of curvature of prime vertical
.CheckBlackoutZone Check if given horizontal intensity triggers a blackout zone
.CheckVersionWMM Check if given time is consistent with available WMM versions
.ConvertGeocentricToGeodeticFieldComponents Geocentric Coordinates to Geodetic Coordinates
.ConvertGeodeticToGeocentricGPS Convert from Geodetic to Geocentric Coordinates
.DeriveVersionInfo Derive WMM version based on given time
GetMagneticFieldWMM Calculate Expected Magnetic Field from WMM
wmm wmm: R Implementation of World Magnetic Model