grd {wk}R Documentation

Raster-like objects


grd() objects are just an array (any object with more than two dim()s) and a bounding box (a rct(), which may or may not have a wk_crs() attached). The ordering of the dimensions is y (indices increasing downwards), x (indices increasing to the right). This follows the ordering of as.raster()/rasterImage() and aligns with the printing of matrices.


  bbox = NULL,
  nx = NULL,
  ny = NULL,
  dx = NULL,
  dy = NULL,
  type = c("polygons", "corners", "centers")

grd_rct(data, bbox = rct(0, 0, dim(data)[2], dim(data)[1]))

grd_xy(data, bbox = rct(0, 0, dim(data)[2] - 1, dim(data)[1] - 1))

as_grd_rct(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wk_grd_rct'
as_grd_rct(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wk_grd_xy'
as_grd_rct(x, ...)

as_grd_xy(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wk_grd_xy'
as_grd_xy(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wk_grd_rct'
as_grd_xy(x, ...)



A rct() containing the bounds and CRS of the object. You can specify a rct() with xmin > xmax or ymin > ymax which will flip the underlying data and return an object with a normalized bounding box and data.

nx, ny, dx, dy

Either a number of cells in the x- and y- directions or delta in the x- and y-directions (in which case bbox must be specified).


Use "polygons" to return a grid whose objects can be represented using an rct(); use "centers" to return a grid whose objects are the center of the rct() grid; use "corners" to return a grid along the corners of bbox.


An object with two or more dimensions. Most usefully, a matrix.


An object to convert to a grid


Passed to S3 methods



# create a grid with no data (just for coordinates)
(grid <- grd(nx = 2, ny = 2))
plot(grid, border = "black")

# more usefully, wraps a matrix or nd array + bbox
# approx volcano in New Zealand Transverse Mercator
bbox <- rct(
  5917000,       1757000 + 870,
  5917000 + 610, 1757000,
  crs = "EPSG:2193"
(grid <- grd_rct(volcano, bbox))

# these come with a reasonable default plot method for matrix data

# you can set the data or the bounding box after creation
grid$bbox <- rct(0, 0, 1, 1)

# subset by indices or rct
plot(grid[1:2, 1:2])
plot(grid[c(start = NA, stop = NA, step = 2), c(start = NA, stop = NA, step = 2)])
plot(grid[rct(0, 0, 0.5, 0.5)])

[Package wk version 0.9.2 Index]