wiqid-package | Fast, simple estimation functions for wildlife population models |
AICc | Akaike's Information Criterion with small-sample correction - AICc |
AICtable | Make a table for AIC or other criterion |
allCombinations | Create formulae for all combinations of covariates |
as.Bwiqid | Conversion to class Bwiqid (deprecated) |
as.Bwiqid.default | Conversion to class Bwiqid (deprecated) |
Bbinom | Bayesian analysis of binomial data |
Bbinomial | Bayesian analysis of binomial data |
BetaDist | The Beta Distribution |
biodBerger | Biodiversity indices |
biodBrillouin | Biodiversity indices |
biodShannon | Biodiversity indices |
biodSimpson | Biodiversity indices |
Bnormal | Bayesian modelling of a normal (Gaussian) distribution |
Bnormal2 | Bayesian modelling of a normal (Gaussian) distribution |
BoccSS | Bayesian single-season occupancy modelling |
BoccSS0 | Bayesian single-season occupancy modelling |
Bpoisson | Bayesian analysis of count data |
Bsecr0 | Spatially explicit capture-recapture (secr) density estimation using MCMC |
BsurvCJS | Survival from recapture data with Cormack-Jolly-Seber (CJS) model |
Bwiqid-class | Conversion to class Bwiqid (deprecated) |
closedCapM0 | Analysis of mark-recapture data for closed populations |
closedCapMb | Analysis of mark-recapture data for closed populations |
closedCapMh2 | Analysis of mark-recapture data for closed populations |
closedCapMhJK | Analysis of mark-recapture data for closed populations |
closedCapMt | Analysis of mark-recapture data for closed populations |
closedCapMtcov | Analysis of mark-recapture data for closed populations |
dbeta2 | The Beta Distribution |
dbeta3 | The Beta Distribution |
dgamma2 | The Gamma Distribution |
dippers | Capture-recapture data for European dippers |
Distance Measures | Plug-in distance-measure functions for 'distShell'. |
distBrayCurtis | Plug-in distance-measure functions for 'distShell'. |
distChaoJaccCorr | Plug-in distance-measure functions for 'distShell'. |
distChaoJaccNaive | Plug-in distance-measure functions for 'distShell'. |
distChaoSorCorr | Plug-in distance-measure functions for 'distShell'. |
distChaoSorNaive | Plug-in distance-measure functions for 'distShell'. |
distChord | Plug-in distance-measure functions for 'distShell'. |
distJaccard | Plug-in distance-measure functions for 'distShell'. |
distMatching | Plug-in distance-measure functions for 'distShell'. |
distMorisitaHorn | Plug-in distance-measure functions for 'distShell'. |
distOchiai | Plug-in distance-measure functions for 'distShell'. |
distPreston | Plug-in distance-measure functions for 'distShell'. |
distRogersTanimoto | Plug-in distance-measure functions for 'distShell'. |
distShell | Distance Matrix Computation |
distSimRatio | Plug-in distance-measure functions for 'distShell'. |
distSorensen | Plug-in distance-measure functions for 'distShell'. |
distTestData | An artificial data set to test distance/dissimilarity measures |
distWhittaker | Plug-in distance-measure functions for 'distShell'. |
Diversity indices | Biodiversity indices |
dt2 | The Generalized Student's t Distribution |
dt3 | The Generalized Student's t Distribution |
GammaDist | The Gamma Distribution |
getBeta2Par | The Beta Distribution |
getBeta3Par | The Beta Distribution |
getGammaPar | The Gamma Distribution |
getMCerror | MCMC error using the batch method (deprecated) |
GrandSkinks | Multi-season detection data for grand skinks |
KanhaTigers | Capture history matrix for camera-trapped tigers |
KillarneyBirds | Abundance of woodland birds |
Links | Logit and probit links for generalised linear modelling |
links | Logit and probit links for generalised linear modelling |
MeadowVoles | Robust design mark-recapture data for meadow voles |
occ2sps | Single-season two-species occupancy estimation |
occMS | Multi-season occupancy estimation |
occMS0 | Multi-season occupancy estimation |
occMScovSite | Multi-season occupancy estimation |
occMStime | Multi-season occupancy estimation |
occSS | Single-season occupancy estimation |
occSS0 | Single-season occupancy estimation |
occSScovSite | Single-season occupancy estimation |
occSSrn | Royle-Nichols model for single-season occupancy estimation |
occSSrn0 | Royle-Nichols model for single-season occupancy estimation |
occSSrnSite | Royle-Nichols model for single-season occupancy estimation |
occSStime | Single-season occupancy estimation |
pbeta2 | The Beta Distribution |
pbeta3 | The Beta Distribution |
pgamma2 | The Gamma Distribution |
plot.Bwiqid | Plot method for objects of class 'Bwiqid' |
plotACs | Plot Activity Centres from 'Bsecr0' output |
plotComb | Display a posterior probability distribution from the comb method |
plotPost | Deprecated functions in package wiqid |
predict.wiqid | Predict method for objects of class 'wiqid' |
predictAvg | Predict average values from multiple fitted models |
print.Bwiqid | Print and summary methods for objects of class 'Bwiqid' |
Priors | Standardisation and priors |
pt2 | The Generalized Student's t Distribution |
pt3 | The Generalized Student's t Distribution |
qbeta2 | The Beta Distribution |
qbeta3 | The Beta Distribution |
qgamma2 | The Gamma Distribution |
qt2 | The Generalized Student's t Distribution |
qt3 | The Generalized Student's t Distribution |
railSims | Simulated detection/non-detection data for two species of rails |
rbeta2 | The Beta Distribution |
rbeta3 | The Beta Distribution |
rgamma2 | The Gamma Distribution |
richACE | Species richness estimators |
richBoot | Species richness estimators |
richChao1 | Species richness estimators |
richChao2 | Species richness estimators |
richCurve | Species richness estimates based on accumulation curves |
richDouble | Species richness estimates based on accumulation curves |
richDuplicate | Species richness estimates based on accumulation curves |
richICE | Species richness estimators |
richJack1 | Species richness estimators |
richJack2 | Species richness estimators |
richJackA1 | Species richness estimators |
richJackA2 | Species richness estimators |
richMM | Species richness estimators |
richRarefy | Sample-based rarefaction curves |
richRenLau | Species richness estimators |
richSingle | Species richness estimates based on accumulation curves |
richSobs | Species richness estimates based on accumulation curves |
richUnique | Species richness estimates based on accumulation curves |
rt2 | The Generalized Student's t Distribution |
rt3 | The Generalized Student's t Distribution |
salamanders | Occupancy data for blue ridge salamanders |
secrFit | Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture |
seedbank | Seed abundances in soil samples |
showShinyApp | Display a 'shiny' application |
simpleRhat | The Brooks-Gelman-Rubin (BGR) convergence diagnostic (deprecated) |
Species richness estimators | Species richness estimators |
Standardisation | Standardisation and priors |
Standardization | Standardisation and priors |
standardize | Scaling and centring of vectors, matrices and arrays |
standardize2match | Scaling and centring of vectors, matrices and arrays |
summary.Bwiqid | Print and summary methods for objects of class 'Bwiqid' |
survCJS | Survival from recapture data with Cormack-Jolly-Seber (CJS) model |
survCJSaj | Survival from recapture data with Cormack-Jolly-Seber (CJS) model |
survRD | Survival from mark-recapture data with robust design |
survRDah | Survival from mark-recapture data with robust design |
TDist | The Generalized Student's t Distribution |
Temburong | Tree species count data |
TemburongBA | Tree species count data |
toves | Simulated detection/non-detection data for a fictitious species |
WAIC | Extract the Watanabe-Akaike Information Criterion (WAIC) |
weta | Detection data for weta in gorse bushes |
wiqid | Fast, simple estimation functions for wildlife population models |
wiqid-class | The 'wiqid' S3 class |