circle_gd |
Create a moving window map of genetic diversity using a circle window |
circle_general |
General function for making circular moving window maps |
coords_to_raster |
Create a raster from coordinates |
get_geodist |
Get a matrix of geographic distances for circle_gd |
get_resdist |
Get a matrix of resistance distances for resist_gd |
ggplot_count |
Plot moving window map of sample counts |
ggplot_gd |
Plot moving window map of genetic diversity |
krig_gd |
Krige moving window maps |
load_middle_earth_ex |
Middle earth example |
load_mini_ex |
Mini middle earth example |
lotr_coords |
Middle earth example coordinates |
lotr_lyr |
Middle earth example raster |
lotr_range |
Middle earth example range polygon |
lotr_vcf |
Middle earth example vcf |
mask_gd |
Mask moving window maps |
mini_coords |
Mini middle earth example coordinates |
mini_lyr |
Mini middle earth example raster |
mini_vcf |
Mini middle earth example vcf |
mini_vcf_NA |
Mini middle earth example vcf with NA values |
plot_count |
Plot moving window map of sample counts |
plot_gd |
Plot moving window map of genetic diversity |
preview_gd |
Preview moving window and sample counts |
resist_gd |
Create a moving window map of genetic diversity based on resistance |
resist_general |
General function for making resistance-based maps |
vcf_to_dosage |
Convert a vcf to a dosage matrix |
window_gd |
Create a moving window map of genetic diversity |
window_general |
General function for making moving window maps |