Tidy Analysis of Wikipedia

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Documentation for package ‘wikkitidy’ version 0.1.12

Help Pages

build_category_tree Explore Wikipedia's category system
core_rest_request Build a REST request to one of Wikipedia's specific REST APIs
get_diff Search for insertions, deletions or relocations of text between two versions of a Wikipedia page
get_history_count Count how many times Wikipedia articles have been edited
get_latest_revision Get data about pages from their titles
get_page_html Get data about pages from their titles
get_page_langlinks Get data about pages from their titles
get_page_related Get data about pages from their titles
get_page_summary Get data about pages from their titles
get_page_talk Get data about pages from their titles
get_query_results Perform a query using the MediaWiki Action API
get_rest_resource Get resources from one of Wikipedia's two REST APIs
get_xtools_page_assessment Access page-level statistics from the XTools Page API endpoint
get_xtools_page_info Access page-level statistics from the XTools Page API endpoint
get_xtools_page_links Access page-level statistics from the XTools Page API endpoint
get_xtools_page_prose Access page-level statistics from the XTools Page API endpoint
get_xtools_page_top_editors Access page-level statistics from the XTools Page API endpoint
list_all_generators Generate pages that meet certain criteria, or which are related to a set of known pages by certain properties
list_all_list_modules List pages that meet certain criteria
list_all_property_modules Choose properties to return for pages from the action API
new_generator_query Constructor for generator query type
new_list_query Constructor for list queries
new_list_query.generator Constructor for list queries
new_list_query.list Constructor for list queries
new_list_query.prop Constructor for list queries
new_list_query.query Constructor for list queries
new_prop_query Constructor for the property query type
next_batch Perform a query using the MediaWiki Action API
next_result Perform a query using the MediaWiki Action API
page_vector_functions Get data about pages from their titles
query_by_ Query the MediaWiki Action API using a vector of Wikipedia pages
query_by_pageid Query the MediaWiki Action API using a vector of Wikipedia pages
query_by_revid Query the MediaWiki Action API using a vector of Wikipedia pages
query_by_title Query the MediaWiki Action API using a vector of Wikipedia pages
query_category_members Explore Wikipedia's category system
query_generate_pages Generate pages that meet certain criteria, or which are related to a set of known pages by certain properties
query_list_pages List pages that meet certain criteria
query_page_properties Choose properties to return for pages from the action API
query_tbl Representation of Wikipedia data returned from an Action API Query module as tibble, with request metadata stored as attributes.
retrieve_all Perform a query using the MediaWiki Action API
verify_xml_integrity Check that a Wikimedia XML file has not been corrupted
wikimedia_org_rest_request Build a REST request to one of the Wikimedia Foundation's central APIs
wikimedia_rest_apis Build a REST request to one of the Wikimedia Foundation's central APIs
wikimedia_rest_request Build a REST request to one of Wikipedia's specific REST APIs
wikipedia_rest_apis Build a REST request to one of Wikipedia's specific REST APIs
wiki_action_request Query Wikipedia using the MediaWiki Action API
wikkitidy_example Get path to wikkitidy example
xtools_page Access page-level statistics from the XTools Page API endpoint
xtools_rest_request Build a REST request to one of the Wikimedia Foundation's central APIs