Incrementally Build Complex Plots using Natural Semantics

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Documentation for package ‘wheatmap’ version 0.2.0

Help Pages

+.WObject merge plotting objects
AddWGroup Add a plotting object to a group
Beneath Beneath
both.cluster row- and column-cluster a matrix
BottomLeftOf Bottom left of
BottomRightOf Bottom right of
CalcTextBounding Calculate Text Bounding
CalcTextBounding.WHeatmap Calculate Texting Bounding for WHeatmap
CMPar Color Map Parameters
ColorMap Constructor for ColoMap object
column.cluster column cluster a matrix
darkjet.stops darker jet color stops
FromAffine Convert from affine coordinates to absolute coordinates
getdim Get dimensions
grid.dendrogram Draw dendrogram under grid system
GroupCheckNameUnique Check whether group names are unique
GroupDeepGet Get an plotting object from a group's descendants
jet.stops jet color stops
LeftOf LeftOf
ly show layout
MapToContinuousColors map data to continuous color
MapToDiscreteColors map data to discrete color
print.WDendrogram print a dendrogram
print.WGenerator print a WGenerator
print.WGG plot WGG object
print.WGrob plot WGrob object
print.WGroup Draw WGroup
print.WHeatmap plot WHeatmap
print.WLabel print WLabel
print.WRect print WRect
Resolve Resolve name to object
RightOf RightOf
row.cluster row cluster a matrix
ScaleGroup Scale group
ToAffine Convert from absolute coordinates to affine coordinates
TopLeftOf Top left of
TopOf Top of
TopRightOf Top right of
WColorBarH WColorBarH
WColorBarV WColorBarV
WColumnBind column bind non-overlapping objects
WCustomize Customize an existing plot
WDendrogram WDendrogram class
WDim class WDim
WGG WGG object form ggplot with coordinates
WGrob WGrob object plot from a gList of grob objects
WGroup Construct a WGroup
WHeatmap WHeatmap object
WLabel construct a WLabel
WLegendH WLegendH
WLegendV WLegendV
WMatrix plot multiple figures in a matrix
WObject Construct a WObject
WPosition place an arbitrary position w.r.t a subplot
WRect construct a WRect
WRowBind row bind non-overlapping objects
[.WGroup subset WGroup