wflo-package |
Data set and functions for wind farm layout optimization. |
AcquireData |
Downloads the larger data set for entire Germany. |
AirDensity |
Provides convenient computations for air density. |
Area |
Computes the overlap area for the partial Jensen wake. |
Cost |
Stub for a turbine's cost function. |
e |
Environment for data and variables. |
FarmData |
Data set for wind farm layout optimization. |
FarmVars |
Variables object for wind farm specifications. |
GaussWS |
Convenience function to look-up values from a object returned by GenerateGauss. |
GenerateGauss |
For an incoming wind speed at reference height, this function computes a 3D tensor object containing Gaussian model based wind speeds. |
Geo2Ari |
Converts degrees between the arithmetic system and the azimuth system (and vice versa). |
GetAngle |
Returns the angle between two turbines. |
GetArrow |
Simple helper function for 'PlotResult'. |
GetDirInfo |
Returns average wind direction and direction standard deviation for a turbine's location. |
GetFarmFromLonLat |
Accesses full FarmData set and returns a compatible list object for the requested location. |
GK2Index |
Converts Gauss-Kruger coordinates to FarmData indices. |
GK2LonLat |
Converts Gauss-Kruger coordinates to longitude/latitude coordinates. |
Height |
Returns the elevation of a turbine's location. |
ImposeVectorField |
Simple helper function for 'PlotResult'. |
Index2GK |
Converts FarmData indices to Gauss-Kruger coordinates. |
JensenAngle |
For a given distance 'x', computes the wake cone generated by a turbine. |
JensenFactor |
For a given distance 'x', computes the penalty factor for a turbine's wake. |
JensenTrapezoid |
Computes the four corner points of a Jensen trapezoid (or cone). |
LonLat2GK |
Converts longitude/latitude coordinates to Gauss-Kruger coordinates. |
MosettiTurbineCost |
Returns Mosetti's cost model for a number of turbines. |
PairPenalty |
Returns the Jensen wake penalty factor for a pair of turbines. |
PartialJensen |
Computes the partial Jensen wake effect. |
PlotResult |
Visualizes the wind farm layout optimization result. |
PointInPolygon |
Checks whether a point is inside a polygon. |
Profit |
Computes the economic profit for a given wind farm layout configuration |
ProfitContributors |
Computes profit contributions for all points in a setup solution. |
QuickGauss3D |
For an incoming wind speed at reference height, this function computes a 3D Gaussian model based wind speed. |
ShowWakePenalizers |
Visualizes the points causing/'suffering' from wake effects. |
SwitchProfile |
Helper function for ex-post wind direction dependence analysis |
ValidSetup |
Checks whether all turbine locations provided satisfy the minimum distance criterion. |
wflo |
Data set and functions for wind farm layout optimization. |
WindspeedHellmann |
Scales wind speeds to certain heights. |
WindspeedLog |
Scales wind speeds to certain heights. |
Yield |
Returns yearly yield for a turbine's location. |