weir.broadcrest {weirs}R Documentation

Compute Open-Channel Flow over Broad-Crested Weir


Parent function for broad-crested weir functions of the weirs package. This simply named function is set to dispatch to subordinate functions according to the supported procedure types for broad-crested weir flow. The supported procedure types are:

  1. TWRI3A5, which represents the implementation in weir3a5.broadcrest() the procedures of Hulsing, Harry, 1967, Measurement of peak discharge at dams by indirect methods: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, Book 3, Chapter A5, 29 p.,

  2. BOS, which represents the implementation in weirbos.broadcrest() the procedures of Bos, M.G., 1989, Discharge measurement structures: International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement Publication 20, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 401 p.

  3. NA is the empty set and will error out.


weir.broadcrest(..., type=c("TWRI3A5", "BOS", NA))



Arguments for subordinate broad-crested weir functions; and


Identify the broad-crested weir function to dispatch too.


An R data.frame() is returned.


W. Asquith

See Also

weir3a5.broadcrest, weirbos.broadcrest

[Package weirs version 0.25 Index]