rank_regression {weibulltools}R Documentation

Rank Regression for Parametric Lifetime Distributions


This function fits a regression model to a linearized parametric lifetime distribution for complete and (multiple) right-censored data. The parameters are determined in the frequently used (log-)location-scale parameterization.

For the Weibull, estimates are additionally transformed such that they are in line with the parameterization provided by the stats package (see Weibull).


rank_regression(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'wt_cdf_estimation'
  distribution = c("weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic", "sev", "normal", "logistic",
    "weibull3", "lognormal3", "loglogistic3", "exponential", "exponential2"),
  conf_level = 0.95,
  direction = c("x_on_y", "y_on_x"),
  control = list(),
  options = list(),



A tibble with class wt_cdf_estimation returned by estimate_cdf.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


Supposed distribution of the random variable.


Confidence level of the interval.


Direction of the dependence in the regression model.


A list of control parameters (see optim).

control is in use only if a three-parametric distribution was specified. If this is the case, optim (always with method = "L-BFGS-B" and control$fnscale = -1) is called to determine the threshold parameter (see r_squared_profiling).


A list of named options. See 'Options'.


The confidence intervals of the parameters are computed on the basis of a heteroscedasticity-consistent (HC) covariance matrix. Here it should be said that there is no statistical foundation to determine the standard errors of the parameters using Least Squares in context of Rank Regression. For an accepted statistical method use maximum likelihood.

If options = list(conf_method = "Mock"), the argument distribution must be one of "weibull" and "weibull3". The approximated confidence intervals for the Weibull parameters can then only be estimated on the following confidence levels (see 'References' (Mock, 1995)):


A list with classes wt_model, wt_rank_regression and wt_model_estimation which contains:

If more than one method was specified in estimate_cdf, the resulting output is a list with class wt_model_estimation_list. In this case, each list element has classes wt_rank_regression and wt_model_estimation, and the items listed above, are included.


Argument options is a named list of options:

Name Value
conf_method "HC" (default) or "Mock"



# Reliability data preparation:
## Data for two-parametric model:
data_2p <- reliability_data(
  x = distance,
  status = status

## Data for three-parametric model:
data_3p <- reliability_data(
  x = cycles,
  status = status

# Probability estimation:
prob_tbl_2p <- estimate_cdf(
  methods = "johnson"

prob_tbl_3p <- estimate_cdf(
  methods = "johnson"

prob_tbl_mult <- estimate_cdf(
  methods = c("johnson", "kaplan")

# Example 1 - Fitting a two-parametric weibull distribution:
rr_2p <- rank_regression(
  x = prob_tbl_2p,
  distribution = "weibull"

# Example 2 - Fitting a three-parametric lognormal distribution:
rr_3p <- rank_regression(
  x = prob_tbl_3p,
  distribution = "lognormal3",
  conf_level = 0.99

# Example 3 - Fitting a three-parametric lognormal distribution using
# direction and control arguments:
rr_3p_control <- rank_regression(
  x = prob_tbl_3p,
  distribution = "lognormal3",
  conf_level = 0.99,
  direction = "y_on_x",
  control = list(trace = TRUE, REPORT = 1)

# Example 4 - Fitting a three-parametric loglogistic distribution if multiple
# methods in estimate_cdf were specified:
rr_lists <- rank_regression(
  x = prob_tbl_mult,
  distribution = "loglogistic3",
  conf_level = 0.90

[Package weibulltools version 2.1.0 Index]