plot_conf.default {weibulltools}R Documentation

Add Confidence Region(s) for Quantiles and Probabilities


This function is used to add estimated confidence region(s) to an existing probability plot which also includes the estimated regression line.


## Default S3 method:
  distribution = c("weibull", "lognormal", "loglogistic", "sev", "normal", "logistic",
    "weibull3", "lognormal3", "loglogistic3", "exponential", "exponential2"),
  direction = c("y", "x"),
  title_trace = "Confidence Limit",



A plot object returned by plot_mod.


A list containing the x-coordinates of the confidence region(s). The list can be of length 1 or 2. For more information see Details.


A list containing the y-coordinates of the Confidence Region(s). The list can be of length 1 or 2. For more information see Details.


Supposed distribution of the random variable.


A character string specifying the direction of the plotted interval(s). "y" for failure probabilities or "x" for quantiles.


A character string which is assigned to the legend trace.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Currently not used.


It is important that the length of the vectors provided as lists in x and y match with the length of the vectors x and y in the function plot_mod. For this reason the following procedure is recommended:


A plot object containing the probability plot with plotting positions, the estimated regression line and the estimated confidence region(s).


Meeker, William Q; Escobar, Luis A., Statistical methods for reliability data, New York: Wiley series in probability and statistics, 1998

See Also



# Vectors:
cycles <- alloy$cycles
status <- alloy$status

prob_tbl <- estimate_cdf(x = cycles, status = status, method = "johnson")

# Example 1 - Probability Plot, Regression Line and Confidence Bounds for Three-Parameter-Weibull:
rr <- rank_regression(
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  y = prob_tbl$prob,
  status = prob_tbl$status,
  distribution = "weibull3"

conf_betabin <- confint_betabinom(
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  status = prob_tbl$status,
  dist_params = rr$coefficients,
  distribution = "weibull3"

plot_weibull <- plot_prob(
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  y = prob_tbl$prob,
  status = prob_tbl$status,
  id = prob_tbl$id,
  distribution = "weibull"

plot_reg_weibull <- plot_mod(
  p_obj = plot_weibull,
  x = conf_betabin$x,
  y = conf_betabin$prob,
  dist_params = rr$coefficients,
  distribution = "weibull3"

plot_conf_beta <- plot_conf(
  p_obj = plot_reg_weibull,
  x = list(conf_betabin$x),
  y = list(conf_betabin$lower_bound, conf_betabin$upper_bound),
  direction = "y",
  distribution = "weibull3"

# Example 2 - Probability Plot, Regression Line and Confidence Bounds for Three-Parameter-Lognormal:
rr_ln <- rank_regression(
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  y = prob_tbl$prob,
  status = prob_tbl$status,
  distribution = "lognormal3"

conf_betabin_ln <- confint_betabinom(
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  status = prob_tbl$status,
  dist_params = rr_ln$coefficients,
  distribution = "lognormal3"

plot_lognormal <- plot_prob(
  x = prob_tbl$x,
  y = prob_tbl$prob,
  status = prob_tbl$status,
  id = prob_tbl$id,
  distribution = "lognormal"

plot_reg_lognormal <- plot_mod(
  p_obj = plot_lognormal,
  x = conf_betabin_ln$x,
  y = conf_betabin_ln$prob,
  dist_params = rr_ln$coefficients,
  distribution = "lognormal3"

plot_conf_beta_ln <- plot_conf(
  p_obj = plot_reg_lognormal,
  x = list(conf_betabin_ln$x),
  y = list(conf_betabin_ln$lower_bound, conf_betabin_ln$upper_bound),
  direction = "y",
  distribution = "lognormal3"

[Package weibulltools version 2.1.0 Index]