Data and Functions for Web-Based Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘webr’ version 0.1.5

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BiVar Extract bivariate variables
ContinuousVar Extract continuous variables
cox.stuart.test Cox-Stuart test for trend analysis The Cox-Stuart test is defined as a little powerful test (power equal to 0.78), but very robust for the trend analysis. It is therefore applicable to a wide variety of situations, to get an idea of the evolution of values obtained. The proposed method is based on the binomial distribution. This function was written by Tommaso Martino<> (See 'References')
extractLabels Extract labels
freqSummary Make table summarizing frequency
freqTable Make flextable summarizing frequency
gg_color_hue Make default palette
GroupVar Extract categorical variables
langchoice1 Select word
makeSub Make subtitle
makeSubColor Make subcolors with main colors
mychisq.test My chisquare test
numSummary Numerical Summary
numSummary1 Numerical Summary
numSummary2 Numerical Summary
numSummaryTable Make a table showing numerical summary
PieDonut Draw a PieDonut plot
plot.htest Plotting distribution of statistic for object "htest"
renew_dic Renew dictionary Renew dictionary
runs.test Runs test for randomness
transparent Make transparent theme
x2result Extract x2 statistical result
x2summary Summarize chisquare result
x2Table Make a chisquare result table