Fake Web Apps for HTTP Testing

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Documentation for package ‘webfakes’ version 1.3.1

Help Pages

git_app Web app that acts as a git http server
glossary webfakes glossary
httpbin_app Generic web app for testing HTTP clients
http_time_stamp Format a time stamp for HTTP
local_app_process App process that is cleaned up automatically
mw_cgi Middleware that calls a CGI script
mw_cookie_parser Middleware to parse Cookies
mw_etag Middleware that add an 'ETag' header to the response
mw_json Middleware to parse a JSON body
mw_log Log requests to the standard output or other connection
mw_multipart Parse a multipart HTTP request body
mw_range_parser Middleware to parse a Range header
mw_raw Middleware to read the raw body of a request
mw_static Middleware function to serve static files
mw_text Middleware to parse a plain text body
mw_urlencoded Middleware to parse an url-encoded request body
new_app Create a new web application
new_app_process Run a webfakes app in another process
new_regexp Create a new regular expression to use in webfakes routes
oauth2_httr_login Helper function to use httr's OAuth2.0 functions non-interactively, e.g. in test cases
oauth2_login Helper function to log in to a third party OAuth2.0 app without a browser
oauth2_resource_app Fake OAuth 2.0 resource and authorization app
oauth2_third_party_app App representing the third-party app
server_opts Webfakes web server options
tmpl_glue glue based template engine
webfakes_app Create a new web application
webfakes_app_process Run a webfakes app in another process
webfakes_regexp Create a new regular expression to use in webfakes routes
webfakes_request A webfakes request object
webfakes_response A webfakes response object