Functions for Web Development

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Documentation for package ‘webdeveloper’ version 1.0.5

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create_options Creates HTML option tags for each position of a list of values and labels by calling HTML5::option(), returning a string of HTML to pass to a select tag through HTML5::select().
dynamicTemplate Replace placeholder variables in a HTML document string.
dynamicTemplate2 Replace placeholder variables in a HTML document string, after reading the file into R.
endServer Stop HTTP server(s) by calling httpuv::stopServer() or httpuv::stopAllServers().
findTemplateVars Find the names of any placeholder variables that exist in a HTML document string.
idAddAffixes Add a prefix and suffix to an id
idAddPrefix Add a prefix to an id
idAddSuffix Add a suffix to an id
idParseAffixes Remove a prefix and suffix from an id
idParsePrefix Remove a prefix from an id
idParseSuffix Remove a suffix from an id
parseContentTypeHeader Parse the content type header string to return the content type and boundary
parseHTTP Parse a HTTP request
parseMultiPartFormData Parse multi-part form data
parseMultiPartFormParams Helper function for parseMultiPartFormData
parseQueryString Parse a query string
serveHTTP Conveniently create HTTP server using httpuv::startServer() or httpuv::runServer().
templateVar Create a string to use as a placeholder variable in a HTML document.