Analysis the Weather Data

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Documentation for package ‘weaana’ version 0.1.1

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changeWeatherRecords Change weather records
changeWeatherRecords-method Change weather records
convert2Records Convert a data frame to weaana class
createWeaAna create WeaAna class
dayLength The time elapsed in hours between the specified sun angle from 90 degree in am and pm. +ve above the horizon, -ve below the horizon.
diurnalT Calculate the diurnal variation in air temperature with Parton and Logan, 1981
getWeatherRecords Get all weather records by year range
getWeatherRecords-method Get all weather records by year range
interpolationFunction Return a y value from a linear interpolation function
readWeatherRecords Read weather records from a file list and/or a folder list
records Demo weather records
result-class Define the class for statistics results
show-method Show basic information of class WeaAna
siteInfor Get site information
siteInfor-method Get site information
sphericalDistance Calculate the sphere distance
thermalTime Calculate thermal time using cardinal temperatures
thermalTimeDaily Calculate thermal time using cardinal temperatures
thermalTimeHourly Calculate thermal time using the hourly temperature (non daily temperature)
ttest_ts Significantly t-test with auto-correlation for time serial data
WeaAna-class Define the class for multiple sites
WeaAnaSite-class Define the class of WeaAna
writeWeatherRecords Write weather records into file
writeWeatherRecords-method Write weather records into file
[-method Getter to access the weather data at a specific position.