Weighted and Directed Networks

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Documentation for package ‘wdnet’ version 1.2.3

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+.rpacontrol Add components to the control list
adj_to_wdnet Creates a 'wdnet' object using an adjacency matrix
assortcoef Compute the assortativity coefficient(s) for a network.
centrality Centrality measures
clustcoef Directed clustering coefficient
cvxr_control Parameters passed to CVXR::solve().
dprewire Degree preserving rewiring.
dprewire.range Range of assortativity coefficients.
edgelist_to_wdnet Creates a 'wdnet' object using 'edgelist'.
igraph_to_wdnet Converts an 'igraph' object to a 'wdnet' object
is_wdnet Checks if the input is a 'wdnet' object
plot.wdnet Plots the input network
print.rpacontrol Prints 'rpacontrol' objects
print.wdnet Prints the input network
rpacontrol rpacontrol: Controls the Preferential Attachment (PA) Network Generation Process
rpanet Generate PA networks.
rpa_control_edgeweight Control weight of new edges. Defined for 'rpanet'.
rpa_control_newedge Control new edges in each step. Defined for 'rpanet'.
rpa_control_preference Set preference function(s). Defined for 'rpanet'.
rpa_control_reciprocal Control reciprocal edges. Defined for 'rpanet'.
rpa_control_scenario Control edge scenarios. Defined for 'rpanet'.
summary.rpacontrol Prints 'rpacontrol' objects
summary.wdnet Prints the input network
wdnet_to_igraph Converts a 'wdnet' object to an 'igraph' object